2016 Boston Marathon Training – Week 17
I spent most of the week in a Nyquil-induced stupor. I had a slight fever and cough on Monday. The cough lingered all week but I still got most of my mileage in. By Thursday, I felt much better after a much needed massage. Today, I did my last workout here at home and in a couple of hours, I’ll be on a flight to Boston!
Training Schedule
April 10th – April 16th
Sunday: 6 miles easy.
Monday: Specific Endurance Run. 14 miles w/20 min. moderate.
Tuesday: 8 miles easy + hill sprints.
Wednesday: Specific Endurance Intervals. 2 miles easy, 4 x 2K @ half marathon to marathon pace – 15 sec./mile, 2 miles easy.
Thursday: 6 miles easy.
Friday: 6 miles easy.
Saturday: Specific Endurance Intervals. 2 miles easy, 2 miles @ marathon pace, 1 mile easy.
Mileage Total: ~55 Miles
Adaptations. Since I’ll be evaluating the program after the race, I wanted to stick to the back-of-the-book taper as closely as possible. It’s slightly more mileage than I’ve run in previous marathon cycles so I only planned to cut a half or full mile off here and there. But then, I got sick on Monday and I had to just run what my body would allowthe day .
Specific Endurance Run. 14 miles w/20 min. moderate [Log Details].
I felt pretty sluggish during my easy run with my running club the day before but I chalked it up to taking Saturday off and starting a little fast.

On Monday morning, I woke up with a little cough. I got dressed for my run but just couldn’t get out the door. I was exhausted. I packed all my stuff into a bag and figured I’d run home from work.
The run started well but after a few miles, I felt wiped. At first, I thought it was because I dressed too warmly – this morning’s clothes were for 50 degree weather and now it was close to 70 degrees! But, after 9 miles, my legs were barely moving and I decided to shut it down. I was a good 5 miles from home and needed to figure out which bus I could take. I walked to the nearest stop and sat on the curb. Instantly, I knew I was sick. I got on a bus that I thought would take me close to my house. As soon as I got home, I took some Nyquil and went to bed.

Specific Endurance Intervals. 2 miles easy, 4 x 2K @ half marathon to marathon pace, 2 miles easy [Log Details].
I went to work Tuesday and felt awful the entire day, and even though I felt a little better on Wednesday, I stayed home. Oddly, I felt better by mid-morning and thought I would try to run.
I didn’t feel terrible during the warm-up. I struggled to hit anything close to half marathon pace, though, during the first repetition so decided to just run by effort. I am sick, after all. That plan worked until the third rep when another runner passed me. My competitive instinct kicked in and I ran that interval harder. Towards the end of the run, I felt completely taxed. I kept myself going by thinking, 2 more miles of hard running… That thought process continued for through the last repetition. I completed my last hard workout of this training cycle! I walked some of the cool-down home. I am sick, after all.
2K segment pace: 8:04, 8:05, 7:38, and 7:51.
Specific Endurance Intervals. 2 miles easy, 2 miles @ marathon pace, 2 mile easy. [Log Details].

I got a lot of rest after Wednesday’s workout, including two easy days of running and a massage. I had a little bit of cough but the worst of my cold was over. Going into this final workout, I figured I should feel about as good as I’m going to feel.
The warm-up felt fast but it felt good to be running again so I didn’t try to hold myself back. Before the run, I set my Garmin for 7:40-8:20 pace as goal marathon pace. I ran by effort rather than pace and didn’t look at the watch. At what I thought was about a mile, I looked and saw 8:16 pace – slower than what I would have thought but the pace felt honest. In fact, I slowed down a little more. I took the cool-down home easy. At this point, I just need to get to the starting line healthy.
I finished my last run at home! Race day is almost here.
Goal marathon pace segment pace=8:20.
Other Running-Related Activities
Illnesses. I was sick most of the week. I quit my evening run on Monday and instantly realized I had a fever. When I got home, I knocked myself out with some Nyquil. I didn’t run on Tuesday and felt better that night. But, waking up on Wednesday, I still had a bad cough. On Thursday evening, I started sneezing. I thought maybe I was suffering from allergies. I took a Zyrtec and two Ibuprofen but I don’t think it helped. I think this was a genuine cold.
Injuries. I noticed the back of my knee hurt on a couple of my runs. I started massaging it with a yoga ball. I also scheduled a sports massage on Thursday. This time, with a new masseuse. He treated me to a mix of massage and stretch. After the body work, I didn’t feel sore, which was a good thing 4 days before the marathon.
Nutrition. My April Stridebox came on Tuesday.

Future Races. The Boston Marathon is in 2 days! The weather had been trending warm. I felt thankful that I chose the Crank Sports e-Gel for my race fuel since it has electrolytes. I’ll have to modify my game plan but I still think sub-3:30 might be possible.
Media of the Week
Song. “I’m Shipping Up to Boston”, Dropkick Murphys. Yes, I am!
The Week Ahead
Inspiration. “Pain is no evil, unless it conquers us.” – Charles Kingsley
The boom gel flavor sounds good. I’ve never had a banana peach gel before. Sorry you were sick. Wishing you the best race day!
Thank you so much! I’m very excited for tomorrow. I’m still coughing a little but I’m hoping by the morning it’ll be mostly gone.