2016 Boston Marathon Training – Week 8
I thought endurance was missing in my last marathon cycle so I’ve been trying to run long and slow for my long runs. I started the week with a 22 miler and mid-week ran 14 miler. But, this was a cut-back week! So. I kept distances and paces comfortable. The race I was planning to run tomorrow was cancelled so a treadmill will be my Valentine for 3 hours tomorrow.
Training Schedule
Sunday: Specific Endurance Run. 22 miles easy.
Monday: 6 miles easy.
Tuesday: Threshold Run w/Intervals. 4 miles easy, 20 minutes @ half marathon pace + 6 x 400m @ 3K Pace, 2 miles easy.
Wednesday: 10 miles easy.
Thursday: Progression Run. 3 miles easy, 8 miles moderate to hard, 3 miles easy.
Friday: 6 miles easy.
Saturday: 4 miles easy.
Mileage Total: ~72 miles.
Adaptations. The race I planned to run on Sunday was cancelled due to cold temperatures so I took Saturday off.
Specific Endurance Run. 22 miles [Log Details].
I started my run in Georgetown so I could meet up with my club after my run.

The run started rudely with a hilly section. My left leg wouldn’t “fire” at all so I told myself this was going to be a time-on-your-feet endurance run.

I started my first gel about 45 minutes into the run. I was pleasantly surprised by how well the Accel gel was going down. At the Columbia Pike crossing, I also topped off my water bottle.
Next, I conquered a pretty steep hill in Park Fairfax. I really wanted to stop but kept going. Then, the course went through Old Town Alexandria. With this weekend’s Olympic trials on my mind, I passed the spot where I saw Shalane Flanagan doing her post-race cool-down at the .US Championship a few years ago. I tried to draw inspiration and run faster but couldn’t.
I reached the Mount Vernon Trail and hoped my legs could put in some moderate paced miles but they weren’t having it. In fact, I found myself stopping every few miles to drink water and catch my breath. By National Airport, I turned on my nascent Boston Marathon playlist and it got me going for a while.

I felt pretty strong until the 14th Street Bridge. I was tired and as usual particularly in the winter, I found myself thinking about the Air Florida crash . (I didn’t live here at the time but saw a documentary on the accident). I stopped for a while bu tI continued to run well until I reached the Georgetown Waterfront.
Slow, but a good endurance run nonetheless.
Overall pace: 8:56.

Threshold Run w/Intervals. 4 miles easy, 20 minutes @ half marathon pace + 6 x 400m @ 3K Pace, 2 miles easy [Log Details].
During the easy segment, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole started playing and I started to cry happy tears! In that moment, I was so content with my life that all I could do was cry. Until the pain started…
The half marathon segment started out a little slow but I picked up the pace. It felt hard, though. Not sure I could run that fast for an hour and a half.
I struggled a little during the add on repeats. I was ready to quit after 4 repetitions but then I happened to look right and saw a local elite runner on the lower section of the trail. Come on! You can do 6 of these!
Half marathon segment= 7:32 pace. 0.25 miles @ 3K pace segments=1:42, 1:38, 1:38, 1:40, 1:39, 1:36.
Progression Run. 3 miles easy, 8 miles moderate to hard, 3 miles easy [Log Details].
I ran the easy miles super easy. When the moderate mile started, I was running uphill but didn’t feel I put much more effort to reach “moderate” pace. My Garmin read 8:28 after the first “moderate” mile. I tried to drop 5 seconds/mile for each mile thereafter, and did pretty well. At Gravelly Point, I hit a wall of wind! It was so cold that my right eye instinctively closed. A half mile or so later, the wind subsided, last hard mile was over, and I ran a very easy cool-down home.
Progression miles: 8:28, 8:21, 8:18, 8:00, 8:03, 8:04, 7:54, 7:48. Average: 8:07 pace.
Other Running-Related Activities
Nutrition. I tried two gels from my Strideboxes on my Sunday long run. I had the Accel Rapid Energy Gel (Strawberry Kiwi) and the Hammer Energy Gel (Montana Huckleberry). I was okay with the Accel gel. It had a funny taste, but the consistency was so thin that it was like drinking water. I didn’t like the Hammer gel at all. I took one taste and tossed it in the trash. Between the Accel and the Crank Sports gel I tried last week, I think I may have found a way to get some calories in me during a marathon!
Injury. After Sunday’s long run, I tried the Dr. Hoys Natural Pain Relief Gel from my August Stridebox on my lower back, hamstrings, and calves. The smell was pretty strong, too. I didn’t feel it’s effect at all.
Gear. My favorite winter running jacket got stinky so I washed it with the Hex Performance Laundry Detergent from my December Stridebox. The sample seemed like such a small amount but it did an okay job. The October Stridebox has a detergent called SweatX Sports Detergent that seemed just as good or better.
Weather. It was pretty cold all week – my warmest runs were in the high 40 degrees. But with wind chills, it felt much colder. Toss in some rain mid-week and the conditions were pretty miserable.
Media of the Week
Music. “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole. Obvious choice since it brought me to tears this week.
Podcasts. I watch Fox 5 Morning News almost every morning before my weekday runs and was excited to see Steve Chenevey was the guest on Pace the Nation this week! I’ve often wondered how he (and other hosts) get their workouts in when they get up so early.
Spectating. I was confused all week about when the Los Angeles Marathon and Olympic Marathon Trials were held but finally realized it was today! It was great watching the race and congratulations to the 2nd place San Diegoan marathoners, Meb and Desi!

The Week Ahead
Since I’m not racing tomorrow, I’ll do some type of long run on the treadmill. Then, I’ll build mileage again.
Inspiration. “Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.” – Napoleon Hill
Your pictures remind me of a fun trip I took to DC. I rode a rental bike around the Mall and stopping at places like the Lincoln Memorial. Great training week and great song!