2016 New York City Marathon Training – Week 17
I completed a 22 miler on Sunday and then started my taper! I recovered and then ran so well this week that I contemplated continuing my training and picking another goal race. But mentally, I’m ready for a break!
Training Schedule
October 16th – October 22nd
Sunday: Long Run. 22 miles.
Monday: 6 miles recovery.
Tuesday: Interval Run. 9 miles w/5 x 600m @ 5K race pace; 50 to 90% recovery jogs between.
Wednesday: 6 miles recovery.
Thursday: Medium Run. 14 miles.
Friday: 7 miles recovery + strides.
Saturday: 6 miles recovery.
Mileage Total: ~70 Miles
Adaptations. The Pfitz plan had a race during the first week of the taper, but I thought the Army Ten Miler last week was enough. Otherwise, I followed the schedule but added strides to my recovery run on Wednesday.
Goals. Complete a strong 22 miler going into my taper. Outcome: Success!
Workout Details
Long Run. 22 miles [Log Details].

My warm-up was on the W&OD Trail and through Shirlington. I started the run with a podcast. I took my first Crank Sports eGel at 45 minutes and switched to different podcast and later, another episode. I cruised through Old Town Alexandria and turned onto the Mount Vernon Trail. I was running a little faster than I should but felt great. I made a quick stop near National Airport for water and to start my second gel at roughly 1:30 into the race.

At Gravelly Point, I made quick bathroom stop, and then started running just slower than marathon pace. (When I hit the Custis Trail, I switched to music for extra motivation.) By then, I was hungry. When I finally hit the 2:15 mark, I stopped and drank a lot of water with it to trick my stomach into thinking it was full. I stopped for water 30 minutes later and lingered. My butt and hips were so sore! Still, I concentrated on lifting my feet and knees on the final 2 miles before taking the cool down home very easy.
I felt completely destroyed at the end of the run. Is this what New York is going to feel like?
MP+10% segments (7.57 miles) pace=8:33. Overall pace=8:51.
Interval Run. 9 miles w/5 x 600m @ 5K pace w/50 to 90% recovery jogs between [Log Details].
The rail-trail where I’d been doing interval workouts is under construction, and the most of the runners in the running group that I ran with a couple of times since leaving my coach have done their goal races. So, I did this workout as a 9 mile loop in my neighborhood that had 3 miles of gentle downhills that would make for fast repetitions.
After over 4 miles of easy running, I started the repetitions. My effort felt hard but I was surprised to see the paces weren’t much faster than last week – especially since this course was downhill!
I was a little disappointed with the run but not much. I think just getting my legs to turnover faster is exactly what I needed.
Splits (pace)=7:08, 7:02, 6:53, 6:50, 7:02. Average=6:59.

Medium Run. 14 miles [Log Details].
I stayed up late watching the presidential debate and after doing the calculations, knew I didn’t have enough time to finish my run before work. So, I did this run as my commute.
I ran the first 7 miles at a comfortable pace but it was faster than usual. Once I hit the Mount Vernon Trail, I started running harder. I was surprised to see low 8:00 pace on my Garmin. But, since it didn’t seem like a pace I couldn’t hold, I kept with it. At one point I worried, “Am I running too hard during my taper?” But mentally, I thought I needed the confidence that I could run that fast on race day.
I crossed the 14th Street Bridge into D.C. and felt a wall of wind. I dialed down my effort a little but noticed my pace didn’t drop by much. I continued to press a little for the next half mile but then geared down once I hit the National Mall.
I was supremely happy with this run! It was good to see paces that I ran when I was at my fastest. (In fact, it was the fastest I’ve run this route!)
MP+10% segments (4.85 miles) pace=8:00. Overall pace=8:22.
Sunday’s long run left my butt, hips, and high hamstrings extremely sore. But, a few days later, my legs felt great! Now, it’s time to focus on not getting sick.
Summer refused to go away. Morning temperatures were in the high 60s or low 70s during the week.
Racing Schedule
Next race: 2016 New York City Marathon on November 6th! (My Complete Racing Schedule.)