2016 New York City Marathon Training – Week 2
This wasn’t one of my strongest training weeks. It started out alright with a 5K where the weather was cool and I ran better than expected. But, it ended with a missed morning workout which led to an evening tempo run on the treadmill and a rough long run on Saturday.
Training Schedule
July 3rd – July 9th
Sunday: 5 miles recovery.
Monday: Firecracker 5K.
Tuesday: 5 miles recovery.
Wednesday: 6 miles recovery.
Thursday: Tempo. 3 x 2K @ half marathon pace and 1K @ marathon pace + 20 seconds.
Friday: 7 miles recovery.
Saturday: 14 miles easy.
Mileage Total: ~50 Miles
Adaptations. I started the week with a race, which might have surprised my coach but she scheduled some rest days for me after it. Otherwise, I followed the schedule except I overslept on Thursday and ran the tempo run on the treadmill in the evening. So, I ran Friday’s recovery run on tired legs.
Workout Details

Firecracker 5K. 3.12 miles @ 5K pace. [Race Report].
I had a good result – 21:29 (6:54 pace). I didn’t sleep well the night before and suffered through GI distress all morning. If I hadn’t pre-registered, I’m pretty sure I would have had a DNS. Thankfully, coffee and a 2 mile warmup settled everything down. Still, my legs felt heavy.
Before the race, I mentally told myself it was time to go back to my earlier approach to 5Ks – Go out as hard as you can and then try to hold on! I felt strong through the first half of the race and then faded a little. I got a “second wind” of sorts another quarter to half mile down the road but then I hit a slight uphill and faded badly. Normally, I can count on a kick but I didn’t have one that day.
I also did a one mile cool-down. My time was good for 26th woman, 3rd female master, and 1st in my new age group. I won a $20 gift certificate to the running store that puts on the race.
Splits = 6:51, 6:45, 7:06, 0:47.
Tempo. 3 x 2K @ half marathon pace and 1K @ marathon pace + 20 seconds [Log Details].
I over-slept and didn’t wake up until 7am. I looked at my bedside weather station and saw it was 78 degrees! Oh well. It would have been a miserable day to run anyway. As the day went on, I got more and more anxious about getting this workout in with the heat. When I got home from work, I contemplated running outside in 89 degree temperatures and a 94 degree heat index. Or, running on the treadmill. I opted for the treadmill. I haven’t had much success using GPS watches on the treadmill. I used the indoor setting on my Garmin 630 but ran by time instead of distance.
The warm-up went fine. I took the first set a little conservative since I didn’t want to go out too hard and fade. Ran the first “2K” segment (which I programmed my Garmin for 10 minutes) at the 7.4 setting on the treadmill and the “1K” segment (5 minutes) at 6.9. For the second set, I increased the pace for the “2K” segment to 7.6 setting and by the third, I ran it at 7.9, which felt a little hard.

Medium Run. 14 miles easy [Log Details].
The odds were against me from the start. Friday happy hour turned into a late night out with some friends. I woke up with an upset stomach and a slight headache. I guzzled 32 ounces of water before heading out to fend off dehydration. I also carried a 20 ounce water bottle with Vitalyte. It was already over 80 degrees when I started the run. This is going to be great!
The first three miles were rough. My breathing was labored and my legs felt heavy. I had been listening to music but switched to a podcast to see if that would settle my pace.
The next few miles were uneventful. I stopped at a water fountain 4.75 miles into the run to drink. At about 7.65, I paused and ate a few Honey Stingers. I picked up the pace a little a mile after that. (My coach’s notes said I could pick up the pace the last 3 or 4 miles if I felt good.) But after about a mile realized I couldn’t sustain that effort and dialed things back. I stopped at another water fountain even thought I was less than 3 miles from home to refill my bottle. By the end of the run, temperatures had climbed to the high 80s! I was glad when this run was over.
Injury. I bought new shoes this week. I noticed a pain by my ankle on my left foot that might be related but I’m hoping it goes away after a few more days.
Sleep. I’m still not getting great sleep but I realized on the days when I felt like I got a lot of sleep, I only got about 7 hours. So, my insomnia struggles are probably fixable with some very small changes.
Heat. The week started off good. The temperature at the start of the Firecracker 5K was in the upper 60s – fantastic for summer in Washington, D.C.! But, the heat had rolled in by the end of the week. On Thursday, I missed my morning workout. It was high-80s in the evening so I retreated to the treadmill.
Racing Schedule
Next race: Parks Half Marathon on September 11th. (My Complete Racing Schedule.)