2018 New York City Marathon – Week 15
My time at Sunday’s hot and humid Army Ten Miler was 1:18:49 (7:53 pace). Tuesday’s interval workout was already going terribly when I encountered a three-mile detour around the 14th Street Bridge. By Thursday, I gave up on 70+ degree running and waited until fall legitimately arrived on Friday.
Training Schedule
October 7th – October 13th
Sunday: 2018 Army Ten Miler
Monday: General Aerobic Run. 8 miles w/8 x 100 m strides
Tuesday: VO2Max Run. 11 miles w/5 x 1200m @ 5K race pace
Wednesday: Medium-long Run. 14 miles
Thursday: Recovery Run. 6 miles (AM) + 4 miles (PM)
Friday: Off
Saturday: Recovery Run. 5 miles
Mileage Total: ~58 Miles
Notes. Without a long run on Sunday, I wanted to keep my mileage up. In retrospect, I probably should have moved the double to Wednesday and done the medium run on Thursday. However, it was 76 degrees that morning so I’m not sure it would have helped. I opted to run 6 miles after work. I also ran and easy 5 miles on Friday morning.
Workout Details
2018 Army Ten Miler. 10 miles @ 10 mile pace [Race Report]

It was another hot and humid day – 72 degrees ad 91% humidity. The course was re-routed through to the Key Bridge and through Georgetown due to construction on the Memorial Bridge. From the beginning, I told myself the mid-way point is not Mile 5 but the 14th Street Bridge and it helped. I ran consistent splits in the later miles of the race. Hooah!
Overall time= 1:18:49 (7:53 pace).
General Aerobic Run. 8 miles w/8 x 100 m strides [Log Details]
It was Columbus Day and I slept in a little having watched The Walking Dead season premiere the night before. My legs felt tired from the Army Ten Miler but not sore. The temperature was in the 70s when I left the house, so I carried a handheld with Nuun. I ran north to Clarendon and met up with the Custis Trail, running about 9:30 pace. I went past the water stops at Nelson Street and the junction at the W&OD trails. I couldn’t believe I was still drenched in sweat and bugs in October! I finally stopped by the old rail car in Bluemont Park and fed up with carrying water bottles, tossed my handheld. Summer needs to go!
Overall pace=9:31.

V02Max Run. 11 miles w/5 x 1200m @ 5K race pace [Log Details]
Having stayed up late watching television the night before, I woke up so late that the only way I could fit this workout in was to do it as my commute. I ran down to the W&OD Trail for my first repetition. I timed it to end at the water fountain at the W&OD trailhead knowing I wouldn’t have another opportunity again until I reached downtown. The second repetition was just as fast but by the third, I knew my legs didn’t have five sets in them. I walked the entirety of the fourth break hoping for one last good repetition. The rest of the way to work would be my cool-down. When I got to the 14th Street Bridge, I was dejected when I saw it was closed!
I headed to the next bridge into Washington, D.C. – the Memorial Bridge, which was two miles away.

Exhausted and dehydrated, when I finally reached a water fountain near on the west side of the Washington Monument… it wasn’t working! I felt like hoping on the Metro and just going home. But, when I got to the Smithsonian stop, I headed to work.
1200m repetitions=5:15, 5:16, 5:38, 6:13, 5:36. Average=5:36 or 7:30 pace.
Medium-long Run. 14 miles [Log Details]
In retrospect, I probably should have doubled on this day but I thought the weather would be worse the next day. Plus, I wanted fresh legs for my last 20 miler in three days. The early miles on my way north to the Custis Trail weren’t much slower than usual – about 9:30 pace. I ran a little faster when I reached the trail but it was short-lived. When I reached the water fountain at Roosevelt Island, I decided to dial it back to an easy pace. I spent the next three miles on the Mount Vernon Trail taking pictures and trying hard to enjoy the run. Strangely, I thought it felt cooler as the run went on, but the damage was done.

For the final three miles home, I barely stayed under 10:30 pace.
Overall pace=9:34.

Sleep. By the numbers, it was a good week for sleep. However, I stayed up late early in the week and struggled to fit my workouts in before work. I got with the program by Tuesday night, though.
Morning temperatures were still in the 70s through Thursday when Hurricane Michael arrived bringing rain and high winds. Temperatures dropped 10 degrees overnight and fall legitimately arrived on Friday!
Racing Schedule
Future races. Last week, I forgot to mention that corral assignments came out for the 2018 New York City Marathon! I’ll be racing from the back of Wave 1, in the Orange Start.
Next race: 2018 New York City Marathon on Sunday, November 4th. (My Complete Racing Schedule.)