2018 San Diego 50 Miler – Week 4
This training plan takes recovery seriously! After Sunday’s 15 miler, the rest of the running this week was easy. The mileage will ramp up again for two weeks before I start tapering.
Training Schedule
December 10th – December 16th
Sunday: Medium-long Run. 15 miles.
Monday: Rest.
Tuesday: Easy Run. 5 miles + Core Strength Exercises.
Wednesday: Easy Run. 6-8 miles.
Thursday: Rest.
Friday: Easy Run. 6 miles + Core Strength Exercises.
Saturday: Easy Run. 6-8 miles.
Mileage Total: ~38-42 Miles.
Notes. I slept in on Wednesday and skipped that 8 miler.
Workout Details
Medium-long Run. 15 miles [Log Details].
I was very tired after running 30 miles the day before and 12 miles the day before that – this would be 57 miles in three days! I just wanted to finish this run. I ran through Crystal City to the Mount Vernon Trail. After freezing during yesterday’s run, I over-dressed a bit. It was cold but the sun made it feel warmer. I stopped on the Humpback Bridge, started a pack of Glukos Energy Gels, and took a picture.

I stopped for water at Roosevelt Island and on the Custis Trail. I tried to speed up on the downhill section of the W&OD Trail – just like the week before. I was proud to finish this run at the same pace even though I had more mileage on my legs from the past two days.
Overall pace=9:48.
Injuries. Having logged 42 miles the two days before, my feet hurt during my run on Sunday. I got concerned when the achiness spread to my Achilles tendons. After a few days of rest, that pain went away.
Sleep. On Sunday, I took a Tylenol PM to make sure I slept through the night. But, I woke up in the middle of the night. I was hungry! I ate a snack and then went back to bed after an hour.

It was a cold week. The temperature hovered in the upper 30s at the start but dipped closer to freezing by the end. There were even snow flurries on Friday.
Racing Schedule
Next race: 2017 Fairfax Four Miler on Sunday, December 31st. (My Complete Racing Schedule.)