2018 Summer Training – Week 4
This week, I wanted to crush my speed workouts and I did. Heat and gastrointestinal issues got the best of me during my long run, but overall I felt fit and ready to start training again. Looking forward to July!
Training Schedule
May 20th – May 26th
Sunday: Easy Run. 60 min. E pace (1 or 2 runs to total 60 min.) + Drills
Monday: Interval Run. 4 x (2 x 200m R pace with 200m E pace + 1 x 400m R pace with 400m E pace to recover)
Tuesday: Weight Training
Wednesday: Easy Run. 30 to 40 min. E pace + 8 strides
Thursday: Lactate Threshold Run. 20 min. T pace + 4 strides
Friday: Weight Training
Saturday: Long Run. 60 to 90 min. E pace + Strength Training
Mileage Total: 40.2 Miles
Notes. I added a easy run on Tuesday to increase my overall mileage a little. And, I ran 25 minutes at lactate threshold pace on Thursday to build my tolerance for that uncomfortable pace.
Workout Details
Interval Run. 4 x (2 x 200m R pace with 200m E pace + 1 x 400m R pace with 400m E pace to recover) [Log Details]
I took the warm-up to the Four Mile Run Trail easy but when the intervals started, my legs started flying. I felt like I was running so effortless and elegantly. There was a touch of humidity in the air and it was slightly windy but it didn’t seem to be impacting my performance. The first two sets were uneventful and I turned around just before reaching National Airport. But after the third set, I suddenly felt exhausted! I told myself to just hold on for the final group of intervals. In the end, I ran slightly faster than last week and that felt like progress.
Split paces=0:49, 0:48, 1:45 (set 1), 0:48, 0:49, 1:44 (set 2), 0:48, 0:47, 1:44 (set 3), 0:46, 0:46, 1:43 (set 4). Average=0:47 (200s) and 1:44 (400s).
Lactate Threshold Run. 20 min T pace + 4 strides [Log Details].
Before leaving the house, I changed the amount of time for the lactate threshold segment to 25 minutes. If I want to get better at the marathon, I felt I have to become comfortable running in this range. And, I set the goal pace at 7:32 to 7:47.
During the warm-up, the smell of honeysuckle in the air was strong and it made me happy!

I ran the threshold pace segment on the Four Mile Run Trail, too. I felt tired early and wondered if 25 minutes was going to prove too long. But at the turnaround, my pace was 7:42. I settled into a groove but kept my eye on my pace to make sure I stayed in my desired range. When I was done, I thought the pace was hard but manageable – exactly what it should have been.
Lactate threshold segment pace=7:43.
Long Run. 60 to 90 minutes [Log Details].
When I woke up, I couldn’t help noticing my gastrointestinal tract was rumbling. I tried to quell the ruckus with coffee, water, and a banana but nothing helped much. Heading out the door, I saw the temperature was already in the mid-70s.

I felt alright during the first two miles as I made my way from my neighborhood to Clarendon, but the urgency to use the bathroom was building. In Rosslyn, I linked up with the Custis Trail. “Rolling Thunder” was in town for Memorial Day weekend and I heard the purring of motorcycle engines despite my headphones. But, I could scarcely think about anything but my grumbling gut. I nursed a Crank Sport e-Gel until I reached a water fountain and then filled my stomach with water. There’s a park with a bathroom at the head of the Custis Trail and I finally stopped to relieve myself. Back on the trail, I felt much better until the cool-down home left me feeling light-headed. I stopped the run after two hours. Between the heat and my gut, it wasn’t surprising that this run didn’t go well.
Overall pace=10:37.
Cross Training
I increased the weight on a lot of my exercises this week, which resulted in few repetitions and less time in the gym. On Sunday, I did my usual my back (seated cable row, lateral pull-down, upright rows, and stiffed legged dead lifts) and arm (dumbbell curls and triceps press) routine. On Tuesday and Thursday, I worked legs (leg curls, leg extensions, and glute press), my back again, and a few shoulder presses.
Sleep. The Washington Capitals ruined my sleep! I stayed up late several nights watching hockey.
Weight. Logging what I eat every day and counting calories has been working. I’ve lost about five pounds in the past month!
Allergies. Pollen triggered my allergies and I had to immediately wash off or shower after every run to calm my itchy eyes and skin.
The rain finally stopped on Sunday but left humidity in its place.

The next five days were beautiful! The temperature remained in the mid-60s until Saturday when it was already in the mid-70s by sunrise.
Racing Schedule
Future races. This week, I registered for the 2018 Army Ten Miler, which is on Sunday, October 7th.
Next race: 2018 Lawyers Have Heart on Saturday, June 9th. (My Complete Racing Schedule.)