2019 Boston Marathon – Week 4
In what’s become an annual tradition, I ran the Fairfax Four Miler on New Year’s Eve. Two days later, I was back on my Hansons Marathon Method schedule. Physically, I felt great but I’m still struggling with goal race pace.
Training Schedule
December 30th – January 5th
Sunday: Easy Run. 6 miles
Monday: Interval Run. 6 x 800m @ 5K-10K pace w/400m recovery jog
Tuesday: Rest or Cross-Train
Wednesday: Tempo Run. 8 miles w/6 miles @ goal marathon pace
Thursday: Easy Run. 6 miles
Friday: Easy Run. 8 miles
Saturday: Easy Run. 8 miles
Total: 44 Miles
Notes. Instead of an interval run on Monday, I raced the 2018 Fairfax Four Miler. Once again, I forgot Tuesday is supposed to be a rest day and ran easy.
2018 Fairfax Four Miler. 4 miles @ 4 mile race pace [Race Report].
As usual, the race was well-organized and a great way to end the running year. Going into it, I felt great! The speed-work in the Hanson Marathon Method had my legs feeling ready to go. I worked on New Year’s Eve but tried to just stay off my feet during the day. It was a crisp 46 degrees at race start and I was over-dressed in a long-sleeve shirt and 3/4 tights. I got side-stitches early on but ran through them. The course was a little congested in the middle miles but I navigated it pretty well. I got out-kicked at the finish line, though. I finished in 29:29 (7:23 pace) – one second faster than my time from the 2016 Fairfax Four Miler.

Time=29:29 (7:23 pace).
Tempo Run. 8 miles w/6 miles @ goal marathon pace [Log Details].
Four weeks into this training cycle and I still didn’t have a goal race pace for the 2019 Boston Marathon. Last week, I averaged 8:03 pace for this workout but, the effort didn’t feel like something I could hold for 26.2 miles.
I ran a warm-up to the Four Mile Run Trail in Shirlington, and then started my harder miles running east towards National Airport. Once again, 8:00 pace was a struggle and I didn’t think it was sustainable. I thought about easing up but told myself. “Just think about the last mile when you’re in it.”
I hit my goal pace but the effort still felt difficult. I had a bad feeling that I’m setting an unrealistic goal, like the last time I tried Hansons.
Marathon pace splits=8:00, 7:58, 7:58, 7:55, 7:59, 8:01. Average=7:59.

Medium Run. 12 miles [Log Details].
I’ve been adding about 4 miles to the long runs in Hansons Marathon Method plan I’m following. However, having re-read the book during my flight to Atlanta for Christmas, I decided to slow my pace down to something closer to my easy runs.
Before I left my house, I started listening to an interview Brogan Austin on the Rogue Running podcast. For a substantial part of it, he talked about over-training and that discussion helped remind me to keep an easy pace during the early miles through the suburban streets.
When I reached the Custis Trail – about 4 miles into the run – I started a Crank Sport e-Gel. After climbing the long uphill on Lee Highway, I averaged 9:00 pace on the rolling hills for the next 3.5 miles. I gave myself short water breaks at the working water fountains, though. When the podcast ended, I switched to music but didn’t increase my pace much.
I didn’t feel particularly tired at the end of this run, which led me to conclude that the pace really was easy.
Overall pace=8:55.
Sleep. It was a great week for sleep – at least 7 hours each night!
Weight. This training cycle, I really, really want to get back to my “racing weight” – under 125 pounds, which was my weight when I ran my best marathon times. I dipped under 130 pounds this week.
The temperature was a bit unpredictable – 38 degrees on Sunday morning and almost 60 on Tuesday. But most days, it was in the mid-40s.
Water Fountains. The water fountain at the W&OD Trail near Columbia Pike was out of commission. It seemed like a lot of safety cones were put around it:

Outerwear. Oiselle Flyout Jacket. Back in November, I shopped online for a jacket that I thought would keep me warm during in the winter. This jacket seemed the most promising but, after wearing it a few times, I haven’t found it to be very warm. Composed of just one layer, I think it’s more of a good outer shell than a winter running jacket for long runs. But, the fit is nice and the fabric moves. Price: $78.
(My Guide to Running Clothes.)
Nutrition bars. Runner’s Real Fruit Nutrition Bar. I received this bar in a Runner Box and ate it as a pre-workout snack this week. The taste is similar to a Nutri-Grain bar. A bar has 180 calories, 40 grams of carbohydrate, 2 grams of protein, and 2 grams of fat. The product is gluten free and according to the website, made from “natural, real fruit”. Price: $1.99/bar (62 grams).
Here’s how it compares to other nutrition bars:
(I have a new Guide to Running Nutrition. I may make some small changes here and there but the foundation of the page should stay the same.)
Media & Motivation
News. “Navy-Air Force Half Marathon Cancelled“, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling. On Thursday, many in the Washington, D.C. running community were surprised to see this new-ish but very popular race was being cancelled. I’m glad I got the opportunity to run the race last year but it looks like I’ll go back to running the Parks Half Marathon that weekend next year.
Music. “It’s Time,” Imagine Dragons. This song was in my playlist for the 2018 Fairfax Four Miler and it was great for New Year’s Eve. It’s time to begin something new.
(My “Songs of the Week” on Spotify.)
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”raised” width=”800px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”4″ border_color=”#f4d83f” rounded_corners=”false” outside_shadow=”false” ]“Obey the principles without being bound by them.” – Bruce Lee [/dropshadowbox]
I’m trying to follow the philosophy of Hansons Marathon Method but am giving myself some flexibility with the long run.
Racing Schedule
Next race: 2019 Rock n Roll DC Half Marathon on Saturday, March 9th.
(My Racing Schedule.)