2019 New York City Marathon – Week 2
A six hour hike in the Shenandoah Valley on Sunday wrecked my legs but I re-bounded by mid-wee. I ran two 11 milers and finished the week with a 15 miler in 80+ degree heat.
Training Schedule
August 11th – August 17th
Sunday: Off
Monday: General Aerobic + Speed. 8 miles w/10 x 100m strides
Tuesday: Medium-long Run. 10-11 miles
Wednesday: Recovery Run. 5 miles
Thursday: Medium-long Run. 8-11 miles easy
Friday: Easy Run. 5 miles
Saturday: Marathon-pace Run. 14-15 miles w/8 miles @ goal marathon pace
Total: 52-56 miles.
Notes. Sunday wasn’t really an off day because I went on a six hour hike in the Shenandoah Valley. The views were breathtaking but my legs were sore for several days after the trek.

Medium Run. 11 miles [Log Details].
After hiking for six hours on Sunday, I plowed on and ran an easy 6 miler on Monday. But, by Tuesday, I thought my legs were too beat up for 10 miles. On Wednesday morning, I left my house a little after 7am. The temperature was in the mid-70s – hot but it could have been worse. I ran an easy route that took me mostly uphill for a mile to the Clarendon neighborhood for two miles, but then downhill to Rosslyn where I could connect with the Mount Vernon Trail. By then, I could tell I was running well – the last split before I took a water break at Roosevelt Island was just over 8:00 pace. For the next few miles, I averaged just over 8:20 pace before exiting the trail and heading mostly uphill towards home.
Overall pace=8:34.
Medium Run. 11 miles [Log Details].
A run so nice, I did it twice! I wanted to make up for lost mileage so even though the day was supposed to be a recovery run, I repeated the 11 mile route from the day before. Plus, I was teleworking so I had the extra time. Unlike the day before, my legs felt a little less springy from the start but I actually ran the downhill into Rosslyn faster – under 8:00 pace! But, once I was on the flat Mount Vernon Trail , the fatigue took over and 8:30 paces reigned. I got even slower when I left the trail and ran through Crystal City and Pentagon City on my way home.
Overall pace=8:45.
Long Run. 15 miles [Log Details].
To meet my mileage goal for the week, I needed to log something like 18 miles on the day but I fought the urge and ran my favorite 15 mile route. Given the heat, I wore my Orange Mud HydraQuiver Single Barrel so I would have access to water at all times. And, I listened to a music related podcast and it kept me thoroughly entertained. I felt alright during the first few miles – tired but hopeful that my legs would hold out. On the Mount Vernon Trail, I started feeling a little tired and took a short break.

On the Custis Trail, I got worried when I saw my pace was around 10:00 during my water break at Nelson Street. But, I didn’t stop at the water fountain at the W&OD Trail. I paid for it later and had to stop the run half mile from home for fear of passing out. By the end of the run, it was 85 degrees!

Overall pace=10:08.
Sports Bras. Brooks Rebound Racer Bra. It really is best to try bras on in person. I bought this bra because it looked a little more stylish than the Juno bra that I’ve been wearing. Even though I purchased the same size, it was too small. Price: $32.50-$50.

Energy chews. Jelly Belly Extreme Sport Beans. The “assorted smoothie” flavor was tart but waking up the taste buds was good on a long run. For fuel, the package of approximately 12 beans has 100 calories and 25 grams of carbohydrate. It also has 80 milligrams of sodium and 50 mg of caffeine.
(My Guide to Running Nutrition)
Media & Motivation
News. “Body Found in Greek Ravine Confirmed That of Missing Runner and Scientist“, Runner’s World. I’m traveling to Athens, Greece next week so this story was a little unnerving because I haven’t found great information on running there. It reminded me of this post from Eat Pray Run DC about running abroad as a black woman.
Racing Schedule
Future races. On Friday morning, I posted my training plan for the 2019 New City Marathon and then made my fall running goal official – I am registered for the 2019 Brazos Bend 50 Miler!
Next race: 2019 Ragnar Sunset Washington DC on Saturday, September 21st.
(My Racing Schedule)