2019 New York City Marathon – Week 3
Two weeks into my 2019 New York City Marathon training cycle and I traveled for work. I arrived in Athens, Greece on Thursday and even though I was jet-lagged, completed a treadmill run in that night. Out on the roads the next day, I was rewarded with two amazing sights!
Training Schedule
August 18th – August 24th
Sunday: Medium-long Run. 10 miles
Monday: Off
Tuesday: Medium-long Run. 9 miles
Wednesday: Recovery Run. 5-6 miles
Thursday: Lactate Threshold Run. 10 miles w/6 miles @ goal marathon pace
Friday: Recovery Run. 5-6 miles
Saturday: Long Run. 17 miles
Total: 54-58 miles.
Notes. Very proud that even though I had to adjust to a seven-hour time change, I completed all of the workouts! (Although, I can’t say that I actually ran goal marathon pace on the treadmill.
Medium-long Run. 9 miles [Log Details].
On Sunday, I ran an easy 10 miles at 10:14 pace and then I took Monday off.
Knowing I would probably run a lot of miles on the treadmill in Greece because it was so much warmer there, I just wanted to have a good last run in 70-degree weather. From home, I ran north up Washington Boulevard to Clarendon and then west past Ballston. I stopped for water at the latest fountain I discovered at Lacey Wood Park but it was too warm to taste refreshing. I turned south and eventually, I made my way to the W&OD Trail. All the while, I thought about how, as a little girl, I was obsessed with Greek mythology and in college, I studied political science. Within hours, I would be in Athens, Greece seeing the home of those fabled characters and democratic ideals!
Overall pace=8:53.
Lactate Threshold Run. 10 miles w/6 miles @ goal marathon pace [Log Details].

After a long day at the conference that brought me to Athens, I came back to my hotel and was dressed for my run by around 7pm local time. It was too hot to run outside – still above 90 degrees – but when I went down to the fitness center, there was already someone running on the one functioning treadmill! I lingered for about 20 minutes but the guy didn’t seem close to finishing. At first, I was annoyed with the treadmill guy. But given the fact that I was about to run 10 miles on it myself, that emotion gave way to anger with myself because I knew training during this trip would be difficult but I talked myself into it. I went back to my room to calm down and assess the situation. When I went back 15 minutes later, the treadmill was free.
When I finally stepped on the treadmill and encountered my next obstacle. The machine was set for kilometers per hour and I couldn’t do the conversion! After 18 minutes of easy running at 8.4 km/hour (5.2 miles per hour), I took a brief water break and then I cranked the treadmill up to the 10.2 setting (6.3/mph or 9:31 pace) for 25 minutes. I increased the pace two more time and ended at 11.4 (7.1 mph or 8:27 pace). After a cool-down, I called it a day!
Goal marathon pace segment (by Garmin)=8:17.
Long Run. 17 miles [Log Details, pt. 1; Log Details, pt. 2; Log Details, pt. 3; Log Details, pt. 4].
After looking at the Strava Global Heatmap and doing a little research online, I decided to run down to “Flisvos Marina” and back for my long run. The port seemed to be about 5 miles away and I thought I could do several miles along the waterfront. I was out the door just after 6am but the temperature was already 82 degrees!
On the downhill to the seashore, I ran a comfortable, consistent 9:15 pace. Parts of the neighborhood were a little seedy – women in heels that were way too high for 7am – but I felt safe enough with my surroundings and confident with my route that I listened to a podcast on the way.

By the time I got to Flisvos, I knew I didn’t have it in me to run six miles in the sun. My legs were barely moving. I thought, “It would be really bad to pass out this far from my hotel and without my passport,” and decided to head back after 1.5 miles out. Thinking calories and electrolytes would help, I bought a PowerAde from a street vendor. As he gave me my change, the kindly gentleman handed me some gum, “For after”. Somehow, I made it back to my hotel under my own power. As tired as I was, I ran an additional 4 miles on the treadmill to complete my 17 miles. Then, I had my gum.
Overall pace=9:47.
Sights. I arrived in Athens, Greece on Thursday. The following day, I followed a neighborhood route recommended by my hotel for my easy run. But, mid-way though, I opened Google Maps and ran downtown. I had been in the city for a full day and still hadn’t seen The Acropolis. Serendipitously, I came across the Panathenaic Stadium and was awed by the site of the first modern Olympic games in 1896.

When I turned around, I saw The Acropolis in the distance!

(My Guide to Washington D.C. Area Running Routes)
Racing Schedule
Next race: 2019 Ragnar Sunset Washington DC on Saturday, September 21st.
(My Racing Schedule)