2020 Boston Marathon – Week 4
Now that the Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays were over, I could focus on marathon training! This week was the last relatively easy one of the training cycle. Going forward, the schedule will have three legitimate workouts a week.
Training Schedule
January 5th – January 11th
Sunday: Long Run. 10 miles, easy to moderate, hills if possible
Monday: Easy Run. 5 miles w/hill bounds
Tuesday: Easy Run. 6 miles
Wednesday: Rest, cross-train, or strength work
Thursday: Marathon-pace Run. 2 x 2 miles @ goal marathon pace w/400m jog recoveries
Friday: Easy Run. 5 miles
Saturday: Easy Run. 6 miles w/strides
Total: ~40 Miles
Notes. This week, I kept the long run mileage the same as scheduled. I also opted for a cross-training session in the form of a 20-minute pilates routine.
Long Run. 10 miles [Log Details]
On Saturday night, I watched a movie (Black Panther) and went over my nutrition plan for the run. The next morning, after close to 8 hours of sleep, I fueled up with coffee and peanut butter toast before heading out. The weather was mostly sunny and the temperature was in the upper 40s!
D.C.-area forecast: Bright today with a brisk breeze; light snow or rain possible Tuesday https://t.co/OQ41DCIXUl
— Capital Weather Gang (@capitalweather) January 5, 2020
I ran the same route as two weeks ago – up to Clarendon, down to the Custis Trail, over to the W&OD Trail/Four Mile Run Trail. During the early part of the run, I felt fine grooving to my “Easy Runs” playlist. Mostly, I thought about the work week ahead. The next day, I would be telling my current staff that I was going back to my old job in two weeks! Just after 3 miles, I started a Clif Shot Energy Gel (Boston Creme Pie). When I reached the rolling hills of the Custis Trail, my legs faltered. Fighting through the fatigue, I thought, “Getting my speed back is going to be uncomfortable.” And then, “You can’t be afraid!”
My pace was a little slower than other recent runs on the same route but good.
Overall pace=9:14.
Marathon-pace Run. 2 x 2 miles @ goal marathon pace w/400m jog recoveries [Log Details]
It snowed on Tuesday and there were still random patches of snow on the ground two days later because it was so cold.
After having a disappointing race last week at the 2020 New Day New Year 10K, I desperately wanted to meet my goal marathon pace during this workout. Before leaving home, I programmed my Garmin for 8:02 to 8:11 pace and created a playlist on my phone so I wouldn’t run into issues with Spotify. I also carried a handheld water bottle with some sports drink for fuel. When I left the house, the temperature was just below freezing so I wore more clothing than I wanted – a heavy jacket, tights, warm cap.
PM Update: Cold through Thursday as winds diminish https://t.co/8sTA1W5at2
— Capital Weather Gang (@capitalweather) January 8, 2020
My route was simple. I ran down to the Four Mile Run Trail for an out-and-back route. After a mile and a half, I headed north on the Mount Vernon Trail towards National Airport, turning around during the recovery period.

The pace felt hard! But, I convinced myself that that’s normal this early in a training cycle.
2 miles @ goal marathon pace=8:07, 8:10. Average=8:09.
Easy Run. 6 miles w/strides [Log Details]
For the last easy run before my first hard training week, I chose a route that would take me past the area where I had a bout of exhaustion back in October. It was a beautiful spring-like day!
January or April? 60-65 degrees in DC just after 11a, headed up to 65-70 this afternoon.
— Capital Weather Gang (@capitalweather) January 11, 2020
I did a set of strides before heading home. Marathon training was about to really begin! I hoped I was up for it – physically and mentally.
Overall pace=9:24.
Beginner Pilates with Caroline Sandry – Episode 4. Last week, I did the first 20-minute episode of this series which focused on engaging the abdominal muscles. This week, the exercises involved the gluteal and leg muscles. I could barely do one exercise in particular – leg circles. It was confirmation that my hips are very weak.
Subscription Box. StrideBox. My January Stridebox arrived mid-week. The package had a Laird Superfood Instafuel, Skratch Energy Chews, Powerbar PowerGel, Hydration Health Pro:Play Hydration, Foot Kinetics RunGoo, Stridebox Led Slap Bracelet.

Of the products that I haven’t tried before, I’m very interested in the Hydration Health Pro:Play Hydration, because of the electrolytes. And, I’m always happy to have Foot Kinetics RunGoo.
Energy gels. Clif Shot Energy Gel. The coach of the LHR Virtual Boston Training Group encouraged us to take carbohydrates during our training runs, preferably the type used in our goal race. So, I purchased this brand, which is the one used at the Boston Marathon. Despite 10 flavor options, only three of them were caffeine-free: Boston Creme Pie, Chocolate, and Razz. Each gel is 100 calories and 25 grams of carbohydrates.
Recovery nutrition. Amino Vital Rapid Recovery. Our coach also suggested supplementing with branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). Before buying the brand he recommended, I tried this product that I received in a subscription box at some point. The taste was pleasant enough and one pouch has 3.6 grams of a proprietary blend of amino acids (glutamine, arginine, leucine, isoleucine, and valine.) It also has 60 calories and 12 grams of carbohydrates.
(My Guide to Running Nutrition)
Racing Schedule
Next race: 2020 Reston 10 Miler on Sunday, March 8th. The goal is 1:22:00 (8:12 pace).
(My Racing Schedule)