Category: Boston Marathon

2021 Boston Marathon - Week 1 Banner

2021 Boston Marathon – Week 1

I caught COVID-19! A few days after running the 2021 South Lakes 10K, I tested positive. I spent a week recovering before I resumed training but due to travel and testing complications, accepted that I shouldn’t attempt run the London Marathon. As the British say, I was “gutted” – extremely disappointed after all the training that I’ve done to miss out on the inaugural Wanda Age Group World Championship! But, the Boston Marathon is a pretty nice consolation prize.

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2020 Runners Run Marathon - Banner

2020 Runners Run Marathon

I was having a rough training cycle, so when both the Boston Marathon and London Marathon were postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I was disappointed but also slightly relieved that I wouldn’t have two struggle-fests this spring.  But, I knew I would “run anyway” as I did after the 2012 New York City Marathon was canceled.

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2020 Boston Marathon - Week 13 Banner

2020 Boston Marathon – Week 13

After finishing the Reston 10 Miler on Sunday, it took my legs a few days to recover.  On Thursday, the 2020 Boston Marathon and London Marathon were both postponed because of the COVID19 pandemic.  But, I forced myself out the door for a 10-mile run on Friday because…  well, runners run.

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2020 Boston Marathon - Week 12 Banner

2020 Boston Marathon – Week 12

On Sunday, I tested my goal marathon pace during a long run and… it was a success! I switched workouts around to take advantage of the spring-like weather and string together some easy days before the 2020 Reston 10 Miler.

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