CIM Training – Week 10
In marathon training, it seems like there’s always a week when it seems like so many things are conspiring against my training plan – I’m tired, my [insert essential body part for running] hurts, work is demanding, the weather is awful, or there’s just something else I want to do instead. This week was one of those weeks. But, I run commuted and moved some things around so I could complete all of my workouts.
I’m about mid-way through my training plan and CIM is almost two months away!
I’m mid-way through the training plan and almost two months away from the marathon. The plan had three workouts for me this week: 8 x 800m @ 5K pace, 8 miles at goal marathon pace (GMP), and 18 miles w/4 miles @ GMP. Scheduling became an issue during the week due to work and weather.
I ran to work on Tuesday and Wednesday so I could use my commuting time for running, and I did my long run on Friday morning before work out of weather fears.
My body felt okay for most of the week. My left knee started hurting on and after some runs and my right heel felt tight during some runs. By week’s end, I was mentally and physically drained. I realized the nice thing about switching my long run to Friday was that I could sleep in on Saturday. I got about 9 hours of sleep and it was wonderful.
Intervals (8 x 800m @ 5K pace w/400m jog recoveries). [Log Details]
A good workout. I felt pretty sore and stiff during my drills and strides. The first repeat felt pretty terrible and the second didn’t feel much better. I was already having thoughts of quitting the workout and I wasn’t even half-way in. It felt like there was a headwind so I thought maybe the pace would feel easier when I changed running direction. By the third repeat, which was a more covered from the wind, something clicked and I felt pretty good. Maybe even great. My pace was slower than I wanted it but it was consistent. I was tired but finished the other repeats pretty strong.
Goal 5K pace repetitions: 3:25 (6:52 pace), 3:28 (6:58 pace), 3:29 (6:59 pace), 3:28 (6:57 pace), 3:22 (6:46 pace), 3:29 (7:00 pace), 3:29 (7:00 pace), 3:24 (6:50 pace). Average was 3:27 (7:54 pace).
Tempo Run (8 miles @ GMP). [Log Details]
I ran to work for this workout. It’s a near perfect route since it’s close to 3 miles to one of the rail-trails and then the route is uninterrupted by traffic for the entire GMP segment.
I felt good when I woke up in the morning – I had a hearty pasta dinner the night before and got a lot of sleep. But, it rained the night before and the humidity returned. Unfortunately, the workout didn’t go as well as I’d hoped. I thought I was taking the early miles easy. I think the reason last week’s workout went so well was that I didn’t try to start out fast but eased into GMP instead. But by the third mile, I knew I wasn’t going to hit GMP. By mile 5, I was seriously slogging. I managed to have some faster spurts here and there but mostly, I was just trying to stay around 8:00 pace.
It was pretty disappointing. At this point in my training, I don’t think 8 miles @ GMP should feel this hard and I may need to dial back expectations.
Marathon pace miles: 7:46, 7:43, 7:57, 7:51, 8;14, 8:07, 8:19, and 8:09. Average was 8:02.

Long Run (18 Miles w/Last 4 Miles at Goal Hurricane Pace). [Log Details]
It was torture trying to figure out the weather forecast. I realized the beginning of my planned long run route was the same as the beginning of one of my 8 mile routes, so I could make a decision out on the trail.
The miles before the “turning point” where I would have to choose 8 or 18 miles were fine. I thought my legs could do the long run so I kept straight rather than bailing out. I started to feel the full brunt of the wind shortly after that as I headed north on the Mount Vernon Trail. By the time I got to the uphill section of the course I’d laid out, I was pretty tired. I realized I’d spent more energy fighting the wind than I realized. The MP miles were downhill – and I think the section of trail I ran them on is roughly the same grade as CIM – and that helped me get close to GMP. I felt pretty good on the cool down home.
For me, runs like this is what marathon training is all about – getting the mileage in even when it’s inconvenient or the weather is foul. These runs toughen you up mentally for finishing 26.2 miles when you’d rather quit.
Marathon pace miles: 8:04, 7:56, 7:42, and 7:32. Average was 7:50.
Other Running-Related Activities
I was so busy and tired, I don’t think I did anything running-related other than run.
Song of the Week. “Fight the Power,” Public Enemy. During my interval workout, this song came on and gave me a huge boost. The rhythm was just what I needed.
The Week Ahead
The mileage increases a little next week but the workouts look pretty similar to the last two weeks. The interval workout will be 6 x 1 mile. The tempo run will still be 8 miles @ GMP and the long run is 18 miles again. The mileage gains are from the easy runs – they’re all 8 milers and it’ll stay that way until my taper. I’m seriously overdue for a massage and booking my flight. Hopefully, I’ll have time for both next week.
Inspiration. “There’s no such thing as bad weather, just soft people.” – Bill Bowerman