May 2016 Running – Week 1
Well, hello there! It’s been almost 3 weeks since I ran the Boston Marathon. I’ve been a bit surprised by my recovery from the race. Normally, I allow myself to take as many days off from running as I want – leading to at least a week of slacking off. Surprisingly, I felt like running just two days after the race. The next week, I found my desire to run increased more. I can only guess that dialing my effort back during the marathon due to the heat meant that I didn’t run a full marathon effort.
Training Schedule
April 17th – May 7th
No scheduled workouts.
I wasn’t really thinking too much when I was running. Sometimes I ran hard, sometimes I ran easy. [Log Details]
Other Running-Related Activities

Racing Schedule. In the meanwhile, I’ve been thinking a little bit about my next marathon – the 2016 New York City Marathon! This marathon cycle, I’m thinking about engaging a coach. I think I’m very close to hitting my goal time- sub 3:20 – but might need someone’s help to tweak my training here and there.
More immediately, I planned to run RnR San Diego in early June but one of my besties announced she’s getting married a couple of weeks after that race. So, I’ll be going home to San Diego the weekend of June 18th and signed up for my first trail race – the Wild Horses Half Marathon.
Injuries. My knee healed a few days before the Boston Marathon. And, my cold also cleared up, too. Yay! What I hadn’t focused on was the other injury from my fall – my right pinky finger was pinned between my water bottle and the sidewalk. Over a month later, it still hurts. I’ve been told it’s probably healed and there’s no point seeing an orthopedist but every day I contemplate it.
Gear. I wrote a spring gear review a week ago and then created a new Clothing & Gear page. Going forward, I won’t do a quarterly review – it occurred to me that some of the items span multiple seasons or are useful year-round.
My May Stridebox arrived today. I already tried the Volo Vitamins during my last marathon cycle but was really interested in the Tailwind – a friend used it for her first ultra.

Cross Training. I took a couple of yoga classes since the marathon. I forgot to note it in my race report but I noticed my feet caught the ground a couple of times during the race. I wondered if one of the reasons I tripped during week 15 was that my flexibility has worsened to the point where my feet are barely leaving the ground. I enjoyed the classes very much but it seems like the kind of thing that I’d have to do several times a week to see improvement.
Media of the Week
I had my one year blog-iversary last month. One of my goals for the next year is to interact more on social media. It’s all so new to me and I have a lot technology challenges – the biggest of which is that my comments to other blogs never seem to show up! I hope to figure this all out and become more of a participant in the online running community.
Songs. Prince passed away a couple of weeks ago. I’ve listened to his music since I was a child but my favorite running song by the artist is “Let’s Go Crazy“.
Books. I (finally!) finished reading, Two Hours on my flight back from Boston. It was fascinating to read how the best marathoners train and how coaching and technology have played a part along the way.
The Week Ahead
Next weekend, I’m running Ragnar Cape Cod! I’m very excited to be back with the women in my “vamily” again.
Inspiration. “Ambition is the path to success, persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.” – William Eardley IV