May 2016 Running – Week 4
After weeks of cloudy skies, the sun finally appeared on Tuesday. I ran well until Saturday when summer arrived with a vengeance and I wilted in the heat. But the big news of the week was that I’ll be working with a coach for the New York City Marathon. I’ll be using Hudson Elite Coaching.
Training Schedule
May 22nd – May 28th
Sunday: 6 miles easy (AM) and Cross Training (PM).
Monday: Off.
Tuesday: Medium Run. 12 miles easy.
Wednesday: 6 miles easy.
Thursday: 8 miles easy + hill sprints.
Friday: 4 miles easy.
Saturday: Medium Run. 14 miles easy.
Mileage Total: ~50 Miles

I didn’t feel like going to yoga on Sunday so I skipped the cross-training. I was thinking of running the Alexandria Running Festival Half Marathon tomorrow, so I ran a little more mileage on Friday than planned. On Saturday, I decided to skip it. I don’t feel prepared to race that distance well right now.
Medium Run. 12 miles easy [Log Details].
I got a late start on the run but felt pretty fast out the door. It was weird – it was hard getting out of bed, but once I was on the road, I felt great. Still, I tried to hold the pace back a little. I didn’t want to go out too hard and fade. But, I still found myself running faster than usual – even on the early mile-long uphill that usually leaves me exhausted. I had better luck maintaining the speed on the almost mile-long downhill. The entire run went like that – I surprised myself by how strong the uphills were and managed to hold back on the downhills. Until the last three or four miles that is. I finally let myself run as hard as I wanted. It felt fantastic!
Average pace=8:24.

Medium Run. 12 miles easy [Log Details].
I tried to keep the pace easy at the start. The temperature was in the low 70s at the start of my run with about 65% humidity and bright sun. At first, it didn’t feel so bad but less than 4 miles in, I got a side stitch. It didn’t last long, though. By the time I stopped for water at about the 4.75 mile mark, it had disappeared. I was surprised my pace didn’t drop during the big downhill on Lee Highway. It should have been a sign that the heat was starting to take a toll but instead of slowing down, I sped up when I reached the Mount Vernon Trail. There was a lot of traffic on the path since the weather was nice. I couldn’t help but think, Where were all these people a few months ago? I stopped to take a picture and rest a little.

I got side stitchy again at about the 10.5 mile mark but this time, it held on a little longer. Then, my pace started to slow significantly. I stopped at the water fountain about 3 miles from home. I drank a lot of water and splashed a lot of it on me. I could tell I was very overheated. I trudged on a little while longer and then decided to stop rather than torture myself. I talked the last 2 miles home.
Average pace=9:15.
Other Running-Related Activities
Racing Schedule. The biggest development of the week is that I committed to a running coach! I’m going with Hudson Elite Coaching. I enjoyed the training program so much that I really think working with them will be good for me.
Gear. I bought a pair of Saucony Bullet Capri and the Saucony Daybreak Long Sleeve just in time for summer. I have a pair of the capri already and love them. The long sleeve is a new purchase, though. It’s long in the torso – even for me. It’s very light weight. I can’t wait to wear it come fall. I ran in a new Saucony Hydralite Tank on Saturday’s medium run. It’s a little loose fitting but very light-weight and I think it’ll be good for summer running.
Nutrition. I’ve been watching what I eat this past week. I’ve put on a few pounds in the past two years and am back to where I was when I was setting PRs. I tried some of the products from my Strideboxes this week, too. I had some of the Health Warrior bar before my workout on Sunday. It was a bit grainy so I didn’t finish it. Instead, I finally tried the Clif Organic Energy Food. I’ve received several free samples of this over the years. I had the Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal flavor. It’s pretty tasty. I snacked on it before a few runs this week.

Injuries. I talked a lot about my knee after my fall a couple of months ago, but I probably failed to mention that I also hurt the pinky finger on my right hand. When I fell, I broke my fall with both hands. Unfortunately, I was holding a water bottle in my right hand and my pinky got pinned between the bottle and the sidewalk. It’s been a few months now and I’m regretting my decision not to get it checked out. It looks a little crooked. I think I broke it.
Media of the Week
Songs. “Come and Get Your Love,” by Redbone. I think this song is in a commercial. I bought it and have been kickin’ it old school all week.
Books. I’m working on a post about the plan I followed in Run Faster: From the 5K to the Marathon by Bard Hudson and Matt Fitzgerald. I really should have written it shortly after the Boston Marathon because I’m getting fuzzy on the details. Spoiler: I really liked the plan and it’s the main reason why I decided to work with one of their coaches for this year’s New York City Marathon.
The Week Ahead
Inspiration. “That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.” – Abraham Lincoln