Summer of 2019 – Week 5
I arrived back in Washington, D.C. late Monday night and jumped back into running on Tuesday with a 13 miler in 78 degree heat. On the Fourth of July, I ran a 5K. I planned to do another middle distance run on Saturday to keep my mileage up but changed my mind.
Training Schedule
June 30th – July 6th
Sunday: Easy Run. 6 miles
Monday: Off
Tuesday: Medium Run. 13 miles
Wednesday: Easy Run. 7 miles
Thursday: 2019 Firecracker 5K for the Troops
Friday: Easy Run. 6 miles
Saturday: Medium Run. 13 miles
Total: ~48 Miles
Notes. My speed work day fell on Thursday this week in the form of a race. So, I made Tuesday my medium distance day. I planned to do another middle distance run on Saturday to keep my mileage up, but changed my mind because it seemed like my body wanted rest.

Medium Run. 13 miles [Log Details, pt. 1] [Log Details, pt. 2].
I arrived back in Washington, D.C. late Monday night and took the day off from work. The temperature was 80 degrees when I started the run at 9am. I knew it would be miserable, so I told myself to just think of this as two hours in the heat. I carried a 12 ounce handheld water bottle with me. From home, I snaked my way through the suburbs to the Mount Vernon Trail.
Just before the short, steep uphill on the Custis Trail, there was a detour for tree trimming. Crossing the road, I thought a car was going to hit me and abruptly stopped! I tweaked my left knee and ankle in the process. I got off the trail at Quincy Street in Ballston. Finally running downhill, I found low9:00 pace.
Overall pace=9:32.

Firecracker 5K for the Troops. 3.12 miles @ 5K pace [Race Report].
On race-day morning, I drank some coffee immediately and also had some water knowing it was going to be a hot and humid day. As I got dressed, I started changing my mind about racing. I kept thinking, “Why spend money on a race when I’m not in great shape and the weather is terrible?” Plus, I started a diet the day before and felt a bit depleted.
I made it to the race site, the Reston Town Center, by around 7:15. It was about 78 degrees at the start of the race. I started at a pace that seemed conservative but I ran out of energy around the second mile. It was disappointing but it gave me a pace to work with for my interval workouts this summer.
Time=25:18. Overall pace=8:09.
Sleep. Traveling back from the west coast really messed up my sleep! I woke up even later than usual and wasn’t sleepy at bedtime.
Weight. On Wednesday, I put myself on a diet. Hopefully, it won’t be a long one because I’m only trying to lose 5-10 pounds.
Enjoyed one last beautiful run in San Diego in 67 degree weather. Back home in D.C., a late start to my run on Tuesday resulted in two hours in 80 degree weather.
Parks. Mission Beach to Pacific Beach Boardwalk. On Sunday, I ran along the beach in San Diego, California. I parked in a lot near Belmont Park. At 7am, there were people out and about but the boardwalk wasn’t very crowded. Running north, it was 1.85 miles to Crystal Pier.

I could have gone further but turned around. I ran 0.85 miles from where I started to South Mission Beach Park, where there are bathrooms.
(My Guide to Washington D.C. Area Running Routes)
Media & Motivation
News. “Wardian Tackles Beltway Run,” RunWashington. Driving Interstate 495 – the highway that circles the Nation’s Capitol also known as “The Beltway” – would be a feat for many Washingtonians. The idea of running it, on the hottest day of the year no less, is another incredible accomplishment for this local runner.
Podcasts. “Episode 137: Building a Training Plan with Jen Harney,” Running Rogue. In this episode, the host and guest provide guidance on creating a marathon training plan. Their workouts seemed a lot like the principles in Advanced Marathoning by Pete Pfitzinger, so I liked them.
Music. “Walking On The Sun,” Smash Mouth. It’s been so hot lately that this song resonated.
(My “Songs of the Week” on Spotify)
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”raised” width=”800px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”4″ border_color=”#F11D9A” rounded_corners=”false” outside_shadow=”false” ] “Be proud, but never satisfied.” – Unknown [/dropshadowbox]
Returning home after vacation, I found myself in a bit of a running slump. I lacked motivation to train and wasn’t sure how to get it back.
Racing Schedule
Next race: 2019 Firecracker 5K on July 4th. (My Complete Racing Schedule.)
(My Racing Schedule)