Summer of 2019 – Week 6
My goal was to get my training up to 50 miles a week but a disastrous long run on Sunday foiled that plan. I ran an interval ladder on Tuesday to add some variety to my speed workouts and tried to find threshold pace in 75 degree weather on Thursday.
Training Schedule
July 7th – July 13th
Sunday: Long Run. 17 miles
Monday: Off
Tuesday: Interval Run. 8 miles w/6 x 800m @ 5K-10K pace w/400m recovery jog
Wednesday: Easy Run. 5 miles
Thursday: Tempo Run. 4 x 1 miles/3 minute recovery jogs
Friday: Easy Run. 4 miles
Saturday: Easy Run. 6 miles
Total: ~50 Miles
My goal was to get my training up to 50 miles a week.
Long Run. 8.5 miles [Log Details]
Post-vacation, my goal was to get in a solid long run. It was already 76 degrees outside at 8am. Concerned about the lack of water fountains on the route I chose, I carried my OrangeMud HydraQuiver Single Barrel.
From home, I ran down to the Four Mile Run Trail, stopping briefly at the water fountain at the W&OD trailhead. When I reached the Mount Vernon Trail, I headed north. Instead of looking at pace, I checked my heart rate and tried to keep it in the “aerobic” range. I listened to a podcast and lost myself in thought – mostly about work. When I reached the view of the Washington Monument, there were dozens of ducks on the shore.

I took a long break at Roosevelt Island. I run-walked the uphill on Lee Highway. After, I noticed my walk breaks were becoming longer, I finally stopped my watch when I reached I-66.
I was disappointed in my run but the walk home gave me some time to clear my head.
Overall pace=9:57.
Interval Run. 4 x (200m, 400m, 600m @ 5K pace) [Log Details]
I decided to do a ladder to get my legs used to turning over faster. My legs were sore after Sunday’s long run and I didn’t want to abuse them. Storms the day before cooled the temperature down to a pleasant 70 degrees at the start.
Unsure of trail conditions after the rain storm, I ran the intervals on the W&OD Trail even though the first half was uphill. There was quite a bit of storm damage on the trail.

When I reached Wilson Boulevard, I turned around because the trail was flooded just before starting the 600m segment of the 2nd set. Running flat to downhill, my paces finally dropped below the range I’d set. Overall, I just felt fitter.
Set 1 paces=7:14, 7:54, 7:49. Set 2 paces=8:05, 7:53, 7:28. Set 3 paces=7:36, 6:59, 7:32. Set 4 paces=7:09, 7:40, 7:33. Average=7:31 (200m), 7:37 (400m), 7:36 (600m).
Medium Run. 10 miles w/4 x 1 mile @ half marathon pace w/3 minute recoveries [Log Details]
I wanted to start running some threshold runs but thought it was too hot to do more than a few minutes at a time. It was around 75 degrees when I left the house at 7am. Again, I decided to run on the W&OD Trail for the water fountains even though it had hills. During the warm-up, I took a restroom break at Barcroft Park.
After the first repetition, I was already exhausted and walked the recovery. Towards the end of the second repetition, the trail was closed and I turned around.

I set the recoveries for 3 minutes, which would be about 0.25 miles. It seemed most runners were taking it easy in the heat and here I was running hard. During the warm-up, I drank water at the W&OD Trail trailhead. I took a restroom break at Barcroft Park.
1 mile splits=8:17, 8:55, 8:40, 8:47. Average=8:40.
Injuries. I hurt my right knee on Tuesday afternoon walking in heels. It didn’t swell but I clearly strained something.
Weight. I lost two to four pounds this week and am back to my pre-vacation weight!
The heat was brutal 76 degrees for my long run on Sunday. On Monday morning, a strong storm moved through the Washington, D.C. region flooding many areas. It was a gorgeous 65 degrees for my interval run on Tuesday but the temperature climbed steadily from there.
StrideBox. My July box arrived this week. I’m looking forward to trying the Rundana UV Protective Multifunction Band, Gu Hydration Electrolyte Drink Tabs, and Bob’s Better Bar. The box also had Kramp Krusher Endurance Chew, Eat Your Coffee Caffeinated Snack Bite, Siren Snacks Protein Bites, 2Toms Sport Shield.

Electrolytes. LyteCaps Electrolyte Capsules. I downed a packet of these capsules before my threshold run on Thursday. Unfortunately, they sat in my stomach like stones and I actually thought I would throw up during my run. But, two capsules have 150 milligrams of sodium, 100 mg of potassium, 50 mg of sodium, and 40mg of magnesium.
(My Guide to Running Nutrition)
Media & Motivation
Podcasts. “Episode 200: The Quiz Show (Everybody)“, Pace the Nation. That’s me during the 1:06th minute! My favorite part of the episode was when one of the nieces said she was winning until the questions from 3,000 years ago started. I hear ya, sister! I feel the same way about pop culture when I play trivia.
Music. “The Sweet Escape,” Gwen Stefani. I was still thinking about my sweet escape to San Diego last week.
(My “Songs of the Week” on Spotify)
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”raised” width=”800px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”4″ border_color=”#F11D9A” rounded_corners=”false” outside_shadow=”false” ]”My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.” – Abraham Lincoln[/dropshadowbox]
I started to feel a little of the competitive spirit this week. Not much, but some.
Racing Schedule
Runner rankings. Potomac River Running’s Regional Runner Rankings – Spring 2019. I didn’t make the age group rankings (45-49 years old) this time. The only local race I ran was the 2019 Rock n Roll DC Half Marathon. My other races – the 2019 Boston Marathon and 2019 Cleveland Marathon – were out of town.
Next race: 2019 Crystal City Twilighter 5K on Saturday, July 20th.
(My Racing Schedule)