Summer of 2019 – Week 8

The week started with a long run on the treadmill but I got in two quality runs outside. After six days of running on the treadmill, I reconsidered my racing goals for the fall.
Training Schedule
July 21st – July 27th
Sunday: Long Run. 17 miles
Monday: Off.
Tuesday: Interval Run. 8 x 400m @ 5K pace w/400m recovery jogs
Wednesday: Easy Run. 6 miles
Thursday: Tempo Run. 10 miles w/6 miles @ marathon pace
Friday: Easy Run. 5 miles
Saturday: Easy Run. 4 miles
Total: ~50 Miles
Notes. Sunday’s long run was on the treadmill, so the distance was hard to quantify.
Long Run. 17 miles [Log Details].
Reviewing my last four long runs from this summer, I thought I was ready for a 2 hour and 30 minute run – about 17 miles. The temperature was already 82 degrees at 7am with 97 degrees in the forecast, though, so I ran on the treadmill!

I broke the workout into three 45 minute segments that I would end with an easy 15 minutes. For the first 45 minutes, I set the treadmill at 5.4 (11:07 pace). For entertainment, I watched a man on an elliptical machine flailing his arms wildly and put some Flo Rida songs on repeat. My heart rate was high – already in the threshold range – and I was concerned about increasing the pace too much. For the second 45 minute segment, I set the treadmill at 5.8 (10:21 pace). I started listening to my playlist from last year’s New York City Marathon. For the final 45 minutes, I ramped the pace up to 6.2 (9:41 pace). At one point, I dropped my phone but managed not to fly off the treadmill in reaction.
Overall pace=9:17.
Interval Run. 8 x 400m @ 5K pace w/400m recovery jogs [Log Details].
After a week on the treadmill, I decided to do some short but fast intervals to allow my legs to air out. Later start than I wanted dealing with identity theft. After a week of 80 degree weather in the morning, I stepped out into 70 degree temperatures and a light rain! I actually felt chilly in a tank top.

I ran a two mile warm-up down to the Four Mile Run Trail and ran west. My legs felt terrible – like they didn’t understand continuous solid ground after so much treadmill running. During the intervals, I listened to “Club Can’t Handle Me,” Flo Rida on repeat to get me going. I turned around at the junction for the Mount Vernon Trail. The next repetition, the fifth, felt a little long and came in slow. But overall, I thought it was a strong run.
400m paces=7:04, 7:23, 7:03, 7:23, 7:37, 7:09, 7:06, 7:15. Average=7:15.
Lactate Threshold Run. 10 miles w/6 miles @ marathon pace [Log Details].
Running in the heat and on the treadmill left me unsure of what a sustained pace was for me right now. I thought 8:10 pace – my time from the 2019 Maryland Half Marathon – would be a good goal. It wasn’t warm when I started – about 66 degrees – but the humidity was around 75%. From home, I ran south to Shirlington and stopped for a quick drink of water at the W&OD trailhead. After crossing the road to the Four Mile Run Trail, I started the up-tempo segment after the I-395 overpass and put “Club Can’t Handle Me,” Flo Rida on repeat. When I reached the Mount Vernon Trail, I headed north towards downtown. There were a lot of bicycling commuters and it was hard at times to share the trail with them but I stayed right as best as I could. I was distracted thinking about the workday ahead and everything I had to do.

I ended the run at the United States Capitol Building feeling exhilarated running an even, sustained pace for so long.
Lactate threshold segment pace=8:02.
Injuries. At the beginning of the week, my calfs were sore from Thursday’s lactate threshold run and all the treadmill running. After a few days of running on the roads, the soreness went away.
Sleep. My sleep was around six-and-a-half to seven hours each night – not great but consistent.
The temperature got up to 98 degrees on Sunday! But then a light rain on Tuesday chased the hot weather away. It was just under 70 degrees for my threshold run on Thursday.
Energy chews. Clif Cubes Endurance Bites. I chewed on these during my long run on the treadmill. While called “cubes” they weren’t separated very well. The texture was a crumbly cookie-like exterior with a soft tart cherry center. The entire package is 210 calories, 29 grams of carbohydrate, 4 grams of protein. But, with 10 grams of fat, it’s probably more of a post-run recovery bar.
(My Guide to Running Nutrition)
Hazards. The rain storm from early July left a lot of damage to the Four Mile Run and W&OD trails. There are several locations with caution tape, detour signs, or make-shift barriers. On Saturday, I surveyed some of the damage.

(My Guide to Washington D.C. Area Running Routes)
Media & Motivation
News. “Good News for American Marathoners Trying to Make the Olympic Team,” Runner’s World. When it was announced that runners who placed in the top three at the trial might not make the team, I wondered if the race would be worth watching. This change is good news for the athletes and the sport.
Music. “Club Can’t Handle Me,” Flo Rida. Treadmill running can be hard. I played this song on repeat during Sunday’s long run and the time flew.
(My “Songs of the Week” on Spotify)
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”raised” width=”800px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”4″ border_color=”#F11D9A” rounded_corners=”false” outside_shadow=”false” ]Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. – Douglas MacArthur[/dropshadowbox]
Turning 48 last month, I’ve been feeling like my best runs might be behind me. Thursday’s recovery run had me thinking that I need to believe in myself again.
Racing Schedule
Future races. I wasn’t going to make the 2019 New York City Marathon my goal for the fall because I’ll be traveling abroad for 10 days towards the end of August. But, running on the treadmill six days last week had me reconsidering…
Next race: 2019 Ragnar Sunset Washington DC on Saturday, September 21st.
(My Racing Schedule)