Summer of 2020 – Week 14
This was another recovery week. But first, I attempted a 15-miler on Sunday to see if I was prepared to run 26.2 miles for the 2020 Boston Marathon Virtual Experience next weekend. (I decided I was not.) On Friday, I returned to working on-site one day a week and commuted by bicycle!
Training Schedule
August 30th – September 5th
Sunday: Long Run. 15 miles
Monday: Easy Run. 5 miles
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Easy Run. 5 miles
Thursday: Off
Friday: Easy Run. 5 miles + bike commute
Saturday: Easy Run. 5 miles
Total: ~35 Miles
Notes. On Sunday, I was 2 miles short of my goal and completed 13 miles. It was a cut-back week so my other runs were easy.
Long Run
If I was going to participate in the 2020 Boston Marathon Virtual Experience next weekend, I felt I needed to be able to finish a 15-miler. I failed the week before but thought I would try again.
The night before, there had been a shooting in the neighborhood and I didn’t sleep well.
When I left my apartment building in the morning, I could tell it was warm but yesterday’s storm cooled the temperature down a little.
D.C. area forecast: A pleasant Sunday, then unsettled into the week ahead
— Capital Weather Gang (@capitalweather) August 30, 2020
I listened to a podcast and settled into an easy pace. On the Mount Vernon Trail, I thought I was running slowly and my Garmin confirmed that I was well over 10:00 pace. I reached Gravelly Point and was surprised by how many cyclists were out!

A couple of miles later, I stopped at Roosevelt Island and had a Gu Energy Gel (Salted Watermelon – Yum!) In Rosslyn, I crossed over to the Custis Trail and slogged up the hill. When I approached the place where I quit last week’s long run, I noticed my overall pace was about the same, so I kept going. I stopped for water with 6 miles to go and got a little bit of a second wind. But, after slogging up another long hill, I exited the trail in Ballston and cut my route short. I didn’t feel exhausted but I knew I shouldn’t attempt 15 miles.
In the end, I was only 2 miles short of my goal. But, I decided I wouldn’t put myself through a 26.2-mile run next week given how difficult running 13 miles had been.
Distance=13.11 miles
Bicycling. After 23 weeks of telework, I returned to working on-site. For now, it’s just one day a week. Because I didn’t want to ride public transportation and limited parking options in Capitol Hill neighborhood where I work, I decided to commute by bicycle.
That morning, I did a short 5-mile run through the neighborhood. Wearing the same clothes, I grabbed my bike and gear before heading out the door at 8:30 a.m. The trickiest part of the commute was entering the Pentagon parking lot but I navigated it fine. There was construction around the National Mall, so I had to take a detour around the U.S. Capitol Building.

The evening commute home went well. I had a lot more confidence now that I had done the route.
Handheld water bottles. Camelbak Ultra Handheld. This is my second attempt at trying this water bottle and I’m still not a fan. I don’t find it comfortable to carry. I actually searched online to see how I was supposed to carry it. Price: $40.

Recovery nutrition. 2020 Boston Marathon Virtual Experience Virtual Tool Kit. This week, the “runner box” for this race arrived! For breakfast on race day, it offered a Clif Bar Coffee Collection (Vanilla Almond Latte). For nutrition during the run, it had a Clif Shot Energy Gel (Boston Cream Pie) and Clif Bloks Energy Chews (Ginger Ale). For after the run, it had Ensure Max Protein Nutrition Shake (French Vanilla).

For physical recovery after the race, there was Hyland’s Leg Cramps pills and ointment.
In addition, there was a mock bib numbered “2020” and a unicorn sticker.
Media & Motivation
News. “Police Looking for Aggressive Cyclist After Series of Incidents on Local Trails”, ArlNow. From the descriptions of where the run-ins occurred, I have no doubt that I’ve seen this guy but don’t think I’ve had an encounter with him. (A few days later, he was caught.)
Racing Schedule
Future races. Wanda Age Group World Championships. On Tuesday, I received the email about my options: defer, donate, or refund. I chose to participate in next year’s race on Sunday, October 3rd!
Boston Marathon. In the meanwhile, the Boston Athletic Association announced registration for the 2021 race has been postponed.
Runner rankings. RunWashington’s DMV Distance Derby – August Results. I didn’t run any segments this month. My best times remain:
- Teddy Roosevelt Island – 1.4 miles. 10:08 (7:38 pace) on May 12, 2020. 12th Overall/1st Female.
- Custis Climb – Key Bridge to Glebe – 3.1 miles. 26:10 (8:55 pace) on May 21, 2020. 12th Overall/4th Female
Next race: ?