Tag: ArlNow

Summer of 2020 - Week 14 Banner

Summer of 2020 – Week 14

This was another recovery week. But first, I attempted a 15-miler on Sunday to see if I was prepared to run 26.2 miles for the 2020 Boston Marathon Virtual Experience next weekend. (I decided I was not.) On Friday, I returned to working on-site one day a week and commuted by bicycle!

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Summer of 2020 - Week 2 Banner

Summer of 2020 – Week 2

Northern Virginia entered Phase 2 of COVID-19 re-opening on Friday, which sparked hope about life becoming closer to normal. But after my tempo run on Thursday, I couldn’t put weigh on my right foot and worried that this training cycle was over before it really began.

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2019 NYCM - Week 11 Infographic

2019 New York City Marathon – Week 11

I entered a tricky stage in my training where I should start tapering for the New York City Marathon, but I still need to maintain high mileage for the Brazos Bend 50 Miler.  This week, the ultra-marathon won and I skipped my mid-week speed workout in favor of a medium run.

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2019 Boston Marathon - Week 9 Infographic

2019 Boston Marathon – Week 9

  After an easy start to the week, the workouts turned challenging with more miles at goal marathon pace on Wednesday.  But, the training intensity and schedule finally seemed to click.  Saturday’s long run was bitterly cold and windy but

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Training Supplement - 09015018

Training Supplement – September 15, 2018

  I purchased the newest Mizuno Wave Rider. Having tried several brands, I finally found a comfortable and reliable pair of wireless headphones!  A flooded out trail interrupted my interval workout.  And, I listened to a great podcast about the

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Training Supplement - 12172017

Training Supplement – December 17, 2016

I worked on getting my gear, nutrition, and hydration plans together for the San Diego 50 Miler!  I have concerns about whether my Garmin will last the entire race but my hydration pack should be fine.  I learned the hard

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