Tag: Custis Trail

Winter of 2020 - Week 1 Banner

Winter of 2020 – Week 1

After a week of down-time, I started my winter training cycle! My goal is just to be fitter by spring so I can properly train for the 2021 London Marathon next fall. However, I was so focused on house-hunting that the first workout caught me by surprise.

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Summer of 2020 - Week 12 Banner

Summer of 2020 – Week 12

This was the last week of Phase 3 of Daniel’s Running Formula’s half marathon training plan! Meanwhile, I missed the registration deadline for the virtual London Marathon and after 22 weeks of teleworking, prepared to return to on-site in September.

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2019 New York City Marathon Infographic - Week 6

2019 New York City Marathon – Week 6

Running 28 miles over the weekend left me exhausted by Monday night and I slept for 9 hours! My weekday runs were good, but not great, which was confirmation that my body needed recovery.  But, I finished my 20 mile long run on Saturday feeling marathon-ready!

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2018 Year End Review Infographic

2018 Year End Review

Training [dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”raised” width=”875px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”4″ border_color=”#d0021b” rounded_corners=”false” outside_shadow=”false” ]Mileage Total: 2,634.5 miles Days of Running: 281 days (84 days off) Time Spent Running: ~16 days, 19 hours Average Pace: 9:11 pace Longest Run (Distance): 46 miles on

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2019 Boston Marathon Infographic - Week 1

2019 Boston Marathon – Week 1

Following a month of running very sporadically after the 2018 New York City Marathon, I completed my first week of training for the 2019 Boston Marathon! I’m following the Advanced Plan in Hansons Marathon Method this training cycle. I only had one “something of substance” workout.

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Training Supplement - 09012018

Training Supplement – September 1, 2018

I missed the second “supplement” for August, so this post is longer than usual. I bought the Garmin 645!  My replacement Jaybird X3 Wireless Headphones died, so my pursuit for a good pair of wireless headphones continues.  Pace the Nation,

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Training Supplement - 08012018

Training Supplement – August 1, 2018

Construction started on a section of the Custis Trail and there seemed to be a safety improvement at the “Intersection of Doom” in Rosslyn. My quest for a visor that fits around my adult sized small head continued.  A podcast

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Training Supplement – March 4, 2018

  I finally purchased a pair of wireless headphones!  I looked at two different models and settled on the Jaybird X3s.  With my ongoing bathroom remodel, body wipes came to my rescue after a few of my runs.  I also

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2017 Year End Review Infographic

2017 Year End Review

Training Mileage Total: 3,222 miles Days of Running: 323 (42 days off) Time Spent Running: ~19 days, 23 hours Average Pace: 8:57 pace Longest Run (Distance): 30 miles on December 9, 2017. Longest Run (Time): 5:20:02 on December 9, 2017.

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Training Supplement 101916

Training Supplement – October 19, 2016

Received a 24-pack of sports gels that should last me through the New York City Marathon and beyond.   Continued working hard to stay motivated despite lowering race-day expectations.  A podcast had me wondering, “Could I hurt more?”  (Yes!)  I also

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