Tag: easy runs

2019 NYCM - Week 12 Infographic

2019 New York City Marathon – Week 12

A planned recovery week turned into a complete taper after I felt light-headed during Sunday’s back-to-back long run. I took the next three days easy – eating, hydrating, and sleeping well – because my body needed rest more than workouts.

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2019 Cleveland Marathon Infographic - Week 4

2019 Cleveland Marathon – Week 4

With only a month since the 2019 Boston Marathon, I wondered if my body was rested enough to run well in another.  But, would it matter?  The weather forecast for the Cleveland Marathon was predicting a scorcher… Training Schedule May

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NYCM Week 10 Inforgraphic

2016 New York City Marathon Training – Week 10

This may be one of my shortest training posts I’ve ever done because I only had one workout this week. Last Saturday’s long run took so much out of me that my coach assigned easy running for the other days.

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2016 Boston Marathon Training – Week 4

A recovery week!  It was fantastic having a week of relative low mileage.  I actually took today off.  I didn’t sleep well a few nights, though, so it wasn’t as restful as it could have been.  Still, by mid-week, I

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2016 Boston Marathon Training – Week 3

Winter made an abrupt appearance on Tuesday with air temperatures in the teens and 20s.  I did my interval workout on the treadmill.  By mid-week, the temperatures were back to normal.  Running-wise, I went back to the basics and tried

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