Tag: easy runs

2016 Boston Marathon Training – Week 2

I’m trying to gradually build mileage even though my body is still trying to recover from the California International Marathon.  Generally, I feel pretty good.  I’ve been wearing a heart rate monitor during my runs to keep my easy paces

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2016 Boston Marathon Training – Week 1

I’m baaaack!  I started training for the 2016 Boston Marathon this week. I took 5 days completely off after the California International Marathon (CIM).  My rule is to take as many days off from running as I want.  I like

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Choosing (and Creating) My 2016 Boston Marathon Training Plan

This should be a shorter post than the one I wrote about choosing my training plan for last fall.  Back then, I was torn between the Hansons and Hudson plan and ultimately chose the former.  Now, I’m going to choose

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Hansons Marathon Method

Thoughts on the Hansons Plan

After years of following the Pfitzinger Advanced Marathoning (Pfitz) plans, I tried a Hansons marathon training plan for the California International Marathon (CIM).  I wrote about that decision in early July and about how I was adjusting to the training

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CIM Training – Week 3

The week started rough.  I couldn’t remember the last time I felt this tired during marathon training.  I managed to hit goal marathon pace (7:38 for a 3:20 marathon) on Wednesday despite serious doubts before the workout.  That was followed

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