Tag: Four Mile Run Trail

Training Supplement - 09012018

Training Supplement – September 1, 2018

I missed the second “supplement” for August, so this post is longer than usual. I bought the Garmin 645!  My replacement Jaybird X3 Wireless Headphones died, so my pursuit for a good pair of wireless headphones continues.  Pace the Nation,

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Training Supplement - 06012018

Training Supplement – June 1, 2018

With summer heat looming, I bought some light-weight running clothes.  I ran speed workouts on the Four Mile Run Trail and proclaimed it “my track”.  After most of my hard days, I refueled with recovery drinks.  And, I finally watched

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Training Supplement Banner - 040818

Training Supplement – April 8, 2018

We finally had accumulating snow here in the Washington, D.C. area!  I was disappointed that the Custis and W&OD trails weren’t treated but a podcast put the conditions in perspective.  And, the Four Mile Run Trail narrowed where it goes

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2017 Year End Review Infographic

2017 Year End Review

Training Mileage Total: 3,222 miles Days of Running: 323 (42 days off) Time Spent Running: ~19 days, 23 hours Average Pace: 8:57 pace Longest Run (Distance): 30 miles on December 9, 2017. Longest Run (Time): 5:20:02 on December 9, 2017.

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Training Supplement Banner - 081517

Training Supplement – August 15, 2017

With all the sweating I’m doing due to heat, high mileage, and doubles; I sought out products to control the funky smells.  Lots of construction in my neighborhood and broken water fountains on the trails.  My iPod got stuck on

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Training Supplement Banner - 030117

Training Supplement – March 1, 2017

There’s trail construction everywhere!  I’m navigating current or upcoming closures on the Four Mile Run, Mount Vernon, and Route 50 trails.  I learned heart rate monitors have a battery that can be replaced.  Who knew?!  I’m still breaking in my

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Supplement-122116 Infographic

Training Supplement – December 21, 2016

Today is the first day of winter!  I bought some running clothes to weather the colder temperatures while training for the 2017 Eugene Marathon.  I also dealt with trail closures, caught up on some running-related media, and listening to jazzy

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December 2016-Week 1 Infographic

December 2016 Training – Week 1

It was a great pre-training week!  I’m running very well right now.  I’m attributing it to the chiropractic treatment because I’m running mostly pain-free these days.  But, winter arrived yesterday with sub-freezing temperatures and strong winds. Training Schedule December 4th

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