Tag: hazards

Training Supplement Banner - 03182018

Training Supplement – March 18, 2018

Even though winter is almost over, I bought a long-sleeve shirt this month.  Out on the trails, I grew suspicious of construction activity around the Mount Vernon Trail at Daingerfield Island.  I also enjoyed listening to a rant about uneven

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2016 Year End Review

Training Mileage Total: 3,051 miles* Time Spent Running: ~18 days, 15 hours* Average Pace: 8:48 pace Longest Run (Distance): 26.2 miles at the 2016 Boston and New York City marathons Longest Run (Time): 3:41:37 at the 2016 Boston Marathon Hottest

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Training Supplement – October 5, 2016

The rain made for hazardous conditions last week.  Sia supplied another great running song, though.  I watched an inspirational documentary that brought back memories of Ragnar Key West…  I cracked my phone yesterday!  Another reason to hate Hains Point. Clothing

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Training Supplement – August 31, 2016

Like most runners in the area, I’m done with summer. To get me through this week, I relied on fun music to lift my mood and new gear. On my runs this week, there were safety concerns, hazards, and interesting animal sightings on the rail trails.

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Training Supplement – August 10, 2016

It’s been an Olympic Week!  “One Moment in Time” came up on my playlist and inspired a couple of workouts.  I tried some new products for fueling my runs and traded big spaghetti dinners for bland salmon with rice the

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Training Supplement – August 3, 2016

Hello, August! Only a few more weeks of hot weather running. I’m retreating to the treadmill for workouts on days above 80 degrees. I was very excited to drink from the new water fountain on the Mount Vernon Trail. I

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Training Supplement – July 27, 2016

It was a hot week.  But, Kelly Clarkson promised that what doesn’t kill me will makes me stronger and a podcast reminded me that bad days are “the cost of doing business” if I want to get better.  My new

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Training Supplement – July 20, 2016

I traveled to Chicago this weekend.  I ran on the Lakefront Trail and enjoyed the views.  I tested my new Brooks Ghosts on the trip and bought a heart rate monitor.  Along the way, I listened to some good podcasts

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