Tag: Marathon Investigation

2022 Erie Marathon - Week 12 Banner

2022 Erie Marathon – Week 12

Training Schedule July 24th – July 30th Sunday: Easy Run. 5 miles Monday: Rest or cross-train Tuesday: VO2Max Run. 9 miles w/5×600 m @ 5K race pace; jog 50 to 90% interval time between Wednesday: Medium-long Run. 14 miles Thursday: Recovery Run + speed.

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2019 Boston Marathon - Week 10 Infographic

2019 Boston Marathon – Week 10

This was a cut-back week, with only 50 miles scheduled in the Hanson Marathon Method.  Two stressful life events preoccupied my thoughts during my runs and led to an extra rest day.  But overall, my workouts felt much easier! Training

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Training Supplement - 09012018

Training Supplement – September 1, 2018

I missed the second “supplement” for August, so this post is longer than usual. I bought the Garmin 645!  My replacement Jaybird X3 Wireless Headphones died, so my pursuit for a good pair of wireless headphones continues.  Pace the Nation,

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Training Supplement Banner - 051617

Training Supplement – May 16, 2017

The Eugene Marathon was a little over a week ago and I’m starting to dissect the race.  Did my carbo-load or shoes contribute to the rough start?  Despite the internal criticism, I know I came out of it a tougher

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Training Supplement Banner - 030117

Training Supplement – March 1, 2017

There’s trail construction everywhere!  I’m navigating current or upcoming closures on the Four Mile Run, Mount Vernon, and Route 50 trails.  I learned heart rate monitors have a battery that can be replaced.  Who knew?!  I’m still breaking in my

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