Tag: Mizuno Wave Rider 20

Training Supplement Banner - 080117

Training Supplement – August 1, 2017

  I did a lot of treadmill running this month.  I also traveled to Austin, TX and ran on their Butler Trail.  I bought two light-weight tanks for summer running in Washington, D.C.  Through a podcast, I got a reminder

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2016 Year End Review

Training Mileage Total: 3,051 miles* Time Spent Running: ~18 days, 15 hours* Average Pace: 8:48 pace Longest Run (Distance): 26.2 miles at the 2016 Boston and New York City marathons Longest Run (Time): 3:41:37 at the 2016 Boston Marathon Hottest

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Training Supplement – December 7, 2016

I haven’t been too focused on running lately, so I skipped two weeks of running-related gear, music, podcasts, etc.  Going forward, I’m going to cut down the frequency of this type of post.  Weekly might be too much.  I’m thinking

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