Tag: Runner’s World Show

2017 Year End Review Infographic

2017 Year End Review

Training Mileage Total: 3,222 miles Days of Running: 323 (42 days off) Time Spent Running: ~19 days, 23 hours Average Pace: 8:57 pace Longest Run (Distance): 30 miles on December 9, 2017. Longest Run (Time): 5:20:02 on December 9, 2017.

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Training Supplement – September 17, 2017

I discovered art off the running trail near Bluemont Park and had two deer flybys.  I’ve been running so many doubles that I ran out of shorts.  I bought a new iPod but shattered it already.  And, I listened a

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Training Supplement – September 1, 2017

I’ve been run/dancing to Pitbull lately.  Jillian Michaels had me laughing out loud but Pace The Nation had me lost in serious thought.  I explored trails and parks just off my normal routes.  And, I found a good belt for

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Training Supplement – August 1, 2017

  I did a lot of treadmill running this month.  I also traveled to Austin, TX and ran on their Butler Trail.  I bought two light-weight tanks for summer running in Washington, D.C.  Through a podcast, I got a reminder

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Training Supplement – June 16, 2017

Listened to lots of podcasts these past few weeks.  One got me thinking about multi-stage ultramarathon events.  Am I too old to try something that grueling?  Excited to see a new water fountain on the Mount Vernon Trail!  Got my

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Training Supplement – May 31, 2017

I saw a lot of sites during my runs this Memorial Day weekend.  Cancelled my Stridebox subscription and signed up for Runners World Box to try something new.  Happy for Runner’s World David Willey‘s sub-3:30! Clothing & Gear Sports Bras. 

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Training Supplement – May 16, 2017

The Eugene Marathon was a little over a week ago and I’m starting to dissect the race.  Did my carbo-load or shoes contribute to the rough start?  Despite the internal criticism, I know I came out of it a tougher

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Training Supplement – April 16, 2017

I brought out my compression tights this week to help with recovery.  Tomorrow’s Boston Marathon will help me select a shoe for the Eugene Marathon.  The water fountains the Custis and W&OD Trails are on!  And, I was on the

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Training Supplement – March 16, 2017

Bought some socks at the 2017 Rock ‘n’ Roll DC expo.  Encountered the construction detour on the Mount Vernon Trail.  Saw Runner’s World came out with a “runner box”.  Listened to a few podcasts. Clothing & Gear Socks.  Balega Second

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