Tag: RunWashington

Training Supplement Banner - 09172017

Training Supplement – September 17, 2017

I discovered art off the running trail near Bluemont Park and had two deer flybys.  I’ve been running so many doubles that I ran out of shorts.  I bought a new iPod but shattered it already.  And, I listened a

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2017 Eugene - Week 10

2017 Eugene Marathon Training – Week 10

Rebounded from slight over-training and ran a healthy dose of intervals and marathon paced miles this week.  Seventy days from the Eugene Marathon, I got three indicators that I’m in about 3:30 marathon shape. Training Schedule Week 10: February 19th

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2016 Boston Marathon Training – Week 7

I started the week with an absolutely brutal long run through a lot of snow packed rail-trails and ended the week with a hill repeat workout on dead legs.  Yay!  During both, I reminded myself I’m a Boston Marathoner and

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