Tag: W&OD Trail

2019 Year End Review - Banner

2019 Year End Review

Training [dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”raised” width=”875px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”4″ border_color=”#d0021b” rounded_corners=”false” outside_shadow=”false” ] Mileage Total: 2,481.8 miles Days of Running: 277 days (88 days off) Time Spent Running: ~15 days, 15 hours Average Pace: 9:06 pace Longest Run (Distance): 26.2 miles

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2019 Cleveland Marathon - Week 1 Infographic

2019 Cleveland Marathon – Week 1

Recovery from the 2019 Boston Marathon was short.  I took two days off, “reverse tapered”, and by the following week, was already training for the for the 2019 Cleveland Marathon! But, sickness knocked me down for a few days.  Training

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2019 Boston Marathon Infographic - Week 11

2019 Boston Marathon – Week 11

This week, I entered the “strength” phase of the Hansons Marathon Method.  With snow in the forecast for Wednesday morning, I moved my goal marathon pace workout to Thursday. On Saturday afternoon, I napped for hours after my first 20

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Training Supplement - 10012018

Training Supplement – October 1, 2018

Watching Eliud Kipchoge set a new world record at the Berlin Marathon was thrilling!  Qualifying for the Boston Marathon got a little harder. Two podcasts I listened to addressed the lack of female coaches.  And, I bought some more comfortable

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Training Supplement - 12172017

Training Supplement – December 17, 2016

I worked on getting my gear, nutrition, and hydration plans together for the San Diego 50 Miler!  I have concerns about whether my Garmin will last the entire race but my hydration pack should be fine.  I learned the hard

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Training Supplement Banner - 09172017

Training Supplement – September 17, 2017

I discovered art off the running trail near Bluemont Park and had two deer flybys.  I’ve been running so many doubles that I ran out of shorts.  I bought a new iPod but shattered it already.  And, I listened a

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