Training Supplement – August 1, 2018
Construction started on a section of the Custis Trail and there seemed to be a safety improvement at the “Intersection of Doom” in Rosslyn. My quest for a visor that fits around my adult sized small head continued. A podcast had me thinking about over-distance.
Clothing & Gear
Visors. Halo Sport Visor. My quest for a visor that fits around my adult sized small head continued. Searching the forums on RunningAhead, I found a thread where someone suggested this brand. I bought two visors. There are two pieces to the band. One piece is the body of the visor. The other is a thin piece of fabric that holds a small section of plastic that redirects the sweat from the brow line. I’m not sure this technology is necessary, though. The Sports Visor is made from a wicking fiber. It’s a little heavier than the Nike visors I’ve been wearing but still lighter than a hat. And, the band is a little wider than I like.
Halo Race Visor. Between the two, I think I like this model better because it feels a little lighter. It’s a little loose, but the band fits and the bill is more flexible. The colors are limited to black and white.

Arm bands. Amphipod ArmPod SmartView. I bought this arm band back in February and run with it for almost every run. It’s a great way to carry my phone. Before my vacation, I bought a second because it started to smell and the Velcro has started to stretch out.
(My Complete Clothes & Gear Page.)
Nutrition & Hydration
Pre-workout Nutrition. The Spaghetti Dinner is a classic pre-marathon meal for loading the muscles up with carbohydrate. However, I’ve noticed I felt bloated – like the meal hadn’t quite digested – and other times, I found myself seeking out a bathroom during the early miles. This training cycle, I’ve been exploring potatoes and rice for the night before a hard workout. My body is reacting better and I haven’t had any gastro-intestinal problems since eliminating pasta dinners.

Construction. “Section of Custis Trail Along I-66 Closes Today for Repairs,” ArlNow. This popular running and cycling trail will close for almost a month. Workers are fixing bumps in the asphalt. There are detours but the easiest way to avoid it is to take Lee Highway.
Safety. The timing of the lights at the “Intersection of Doom” seemed to have changed! Now, runners and cyclists can cross Lynn Street and Fort Myer Drive streets without waiting at a light! This should cut down on jaywalking and make the area safer.
Sights. Last month, I visited Baltimore and ran around Fort McHenry. I thought it was very understated and wondered how the little cannonballs could cause severe damage to ships.

Media & Motivation
Music. “100 Years,” Five for Fighting. Work and the illness of a dear friend led me to chase the years of my life during my runs and revisit some of the choices that I’ve made.
(My “Songs of the Week” playlist on Spotify.)
Podcasts. “Qualify for Boston Using Run Walk with Coach Stephanie,” Run To the Top. The hosts, who is a running coach, breaks down the three-day training program she uses with her clients. Perhaps the most unconventional element of it is over-distance – running further than 26.2 miles in training.
“Episode 78: The Difference Between Good and Great,” Magness and Marcus. This episode covered a lot of tangents concerning mental training. My favorite part was about Bob Kennedy training for one goal only to have the bar for greatness changed. The important thing for runners to is adjust and respond.
“Episode 164 – Research (Sandwich Todd),” Pace The Nation. Normally, I feel uneasy about “running as therapy” pieces in the media. Generally, I think they downplay the value of seeing a mental health professional. But, I think this runner did a good job of making it clear that he was dealing with his anxiety and not just trying to outrun it.
News. “Strava Launches New Safety Package with Real time Run Tracking,” Runner’s World. This article goes over the changes to the popular running social media platform. Now, users can choose between three packages – Training, Safety, and Analysis. Each package is $23.99 a year with a Summit membership.
Contemplating a career change two weeks ago, I thought about how it’s easier to make excuses for not doing something different than it is to change course. Being more deliberate in my choices and less passive felt powerful.