Training Supplement – December 7, 2016
I haven’t been too focused on running lately, so I skipped two weeks of running-related gear, music, podcasts, etc. Going forward, I’m going to cut down the frequency of this type of post. Weekly might be too much. I’m thinking once or twice a month. (If you have an opinion, leave it in comments.)
Clothing & Gear
Shoes. Mizuno Wave Rider 20. I bought these before the New York City Marathon and have been rotating them with my last pair of 19s since. I’m still happy with them. I think they have less structure than the 19s and are a cushier ride but I don’t mind it.
Arm Bands. MoKo Sports Running Armband with Key Holder & Card Slot. I ordered this arm band a while back and liked it. I noticed the Velcro isn’t grabbing on as heartily as before so I ordered another pair.
Ear phones. Skull Candy Ink’d. I run with music or podcasts on almost every outing. These are the earbuds I’ve been using. I ordered some extra heading into this next marathon cycles since I tend to go through a few pairs a year.
(My Complete Clothes & Gear Page.)
Nutrition & Hydration

Post-workout Nutrition. PowerBar Protein Snack Bar (Peanut Butter Caramel Crisp). I was a little hungry before one of my chiropractor appointments and tried this bar. It was super tasty, which made me think it probably wasn’t that healthy. It’s 260 calories, 10g of fat, 30g of carbohydrate, and 12g of protein. I think that makes it more of a meal replacement bar than something to fuel a run.
Raw Revolution Organic Bar. This bar is everything – vegan, vegetarian, dairy-free, Kosher, gluten-free, and non-GMO. The texture isn’t bad. It reminds me of a Payday candy bar. But, the crunchy peanut butter and sea salt bar I tried was pretty flavorless. It’s 180 calories, 11g fat, 19g carbohydrate, and 11g protein.

Safety. The police did a sting in my neighborhood and ticketed drivers who didn’t stop for pedestrians. I run past the intersection they targeted frequently and it’s an impossible intersection to cross. It’s too bad drivers don’t recognize that failing to yield to pedestrians is what leads to more traffic lights.
Construction. The section of Four Mile Run where I usually do interval workouts is still under construction. I moved further west and did my intervals on the W&OD Trail close to Columbia Pike. It worked out pretty well since I was only doing a few repetitions.
Media & Motivation
Music. Since it’s been a few weeks, I have more songs than usual.
“Hazy Shade of Winter,” by The Bangles. For the past month, we’ve been between fall and winter here in D.C.
“A Long December,” by Counting Crows. This is the only month when I feel like I can legitimately appreciate this song.
“Dreaming,” by Blondie. This song evokes summer, but it came up in my playlist when I appreciated some pop-rock.
(My “Songs of the Week” playlist on Spotify.)
Podcasts. “Elvis Has Left the Building (Michael Wardian),” by Pace the Nation. I really enjoyed this interview – I see him on the trials all the time. I knew that he didn’t start as a runner but it was funny hearing how he wanted to run for a local club. Also funny to hear that he had trouble getting into some of the World Majors.
“Running and Literature” by Runner’s World Show. A great discussion of running and prose. At the end of the cast, I thought maybe I should try to be a bit more descriptive in my blogging.
Books. “The Science of Running,” by Steve Magness. I finally finished this book! The latter chapters covered how to create a training plan based on scientific principles and runner wisdom. My over-simplification is that a good training plan will work endurance and speed at different volumes and intensities throughout the weeks leading to the goal race.
Motivation. “What has passed is already finished with. What I find more interesting is what is still to come.” – Emil Zatopek
I’m excited for this next training cycle! This past training cycle has made me hungrier to test my limits again this spring. Maybe I’ll run the Boston and Eugene Marathons for time…