Training Supplement – March 1, 2017
There’s trail construction everywhere! I’m navigating current or upcoming closures on the Four Mile Run, Mount Vernon, and Route 50 trails. I learned heart rate monitors have a battery that can be replaced. Who knew?! I’m still breaking in my new running shoes but two are rising to the top. A podcast about dreaming big had me wondering about announcing a goal for the Eugene Marathon.
Clothing & Gear

Tops – Long sleeves. Nike Therma Sphere Element Women’s Long Sleeve Running Top. Increasingly, I’m enjoying pullovers more than jackets. When this top arrived by mail, I was pretty disappointed. I thought it would be light outerwear but it’s a bit thin 30-40 degree temperature. Still, I think it’s going to be a good second layer this spring.
Shorts. Brooks Greenlight 3″ Short Tight. It’s been so warm that I thought I’d try to find another pair of compression shorts. I went to a local running store and purchased these without trying them on. Big mistake! I put them on before my run and they completely disappeared! There isn’t enough stiffness in the fabric to keep them from riding up.
Shoes. I’ve been running in all three pairs of the shoes I bought recently – the Brooks Launch 4, Brooks Pure Flow 6, and Saucony Ride 9. Two of them have a smaller heel-to-toe rise and I think it’s caused some pain in my right calf. Overall, I like the Brooks Launch the best. I didn’t like the Saucony Ride at first but it’s growing on me. I’ve been enjoying the Pure Flows for interval workouts but think I bought a size too big.

Heart Rate Monitors. I purchased a heart rate monitor for my Garmin 630 last summer when I was in Chicago. I’ve been wearing it pretty regularly this marathon cycle. I’ve been relying on the Recovery Advisor to gauge how hard a particular workout was.
It worked fine for my interval workout on February 14th. I remember it telling me I needed 3 days rest after it. It stopped working and initially, I thought it was a problem with the watch, so I did a hard reset. Then, I thought, “Maybe it’s the battery”. And next was, “Do these things have batteries?” Indeed they do. I went to the local CVS and bought a 2032 battery and a tiny screwdriver. It’s working fine again.
(My Complete Clothes & Gear Page.)
Nutrition & Hydration
Gels. Honey Stinger Organic Energy Gel. I received one of these gels in a Stridebox and decided to try it on my long run last weekend. I liked the consistency. Unlike my experience with some popular brands, it went down well for and I didn’t experience any stomach upset from it. But, the Mango Orange flavor was bland. I’m absolutely open to trying this product again but in another flavor.
Nutrition. Volo Vitamins Energy Stickpack. I got this product again in a Stridebox. I used it during a run a while back but this time, tried it in morning instead this time. I didn’t like the flavor or smell of the berry or citrus fruit sample. After looking at the benefits of the product, I think I’d be better off taking a multi-vitamin.
Construction. There’s a lot of trail construction going on lately!
I’ve tried running the trail along Route 50 more often. I’d avoided it for years during heavy construction in the Court House area. But, there’s a project between Fillmore and Washington Boulevard that has been making the trek slightly stressful.
I’ve been dealing with the Four Mile Run Trail detour for months now. Recently, a poster on the Bike Arlington forum pointed out that a junction I’ve been using to get to the Mount Vernon Trail would be cut off soon. (Exhibit A on why I don’t have a problem with cyclists. They’re great about sharing information about trail conditions.)
Meanwhile, I saw that there would be work on the Roosevelt Island parking lot parking lot that will diver the Mount Vernon Trail. I’m a little concerned about it bringing runners and cyclist closer to cars but since the alternative probably was closing off the area entirely, I’m alright with it.

Media & Motivation
Music. I also started my playlist for the Eugene Marathon. One of my favorite alternative rock bands, Everclear, is from Portland so I’m starting with them.
(My “Songs of the Week” playlist on Spotify.)
Podcasts. “Breaking the Mold,” from The Runner’s World Show. This podcast featured Mirna Valerio, who is a self-described “fat runner”. Her positive outlook on running and life in general was absolutely infectious. The part that touched me most was when she talked about feeling she had to represent for other heavy runners and black runners. That’s a lot to carry during a race.
“Dreaming Big,” from The Runner’s World Show. The show started with a segment with Matt Llano. The interviewer spent a lot of time, (starting at around the 10:30 mark of the episode) talking about sharing your goals with others vs. keeping them to yourself – Shalane Flanagan vs. Meb Keflezighi. I get, “Under promise and over deliver” but I’m inspired by runners who put lofty goals out there for all to see and risking “failure” in their eyes.
News. “Runner Disqualified After Claiming 2nd Place in Fort Lauderdale Half Marathon.” This story was all over running blogs and social media this past week. Overall, I felt a bit conflicted. Initially, I was glad she was caught because the rightful 2nd and 3rd place runners deserve their due. But, the more I read and talked about it, the more I hoped she finds a way to turn this situation into something positive.
Motivation. “The principle is competing against yourself. It’s about self-improvement, about being better than you were the day before.” – Steve Young
As I’ve continued rebounding for Week 8 of my training for the Eugene Marathon, I’ve been trying to focus on just running better than I did the week before.
Are you the type who likes to share your goals (like Matt Llano) or keep them quiet (like Meb Keflezighi)?
Personally I prefer to announce my goals to friends and family, on social media too. That way I feel I’m fully committed, no backing out. For the record I’m aiming for a sub 3h-40m marathon in Manchester on April 2nd
Long-term goal sub 3h-20m. I haven’t listened to that podcast yet, but it sounds interesting so I’m going to have a listen.
I purchased the Soft Strap Garmin Premium HRM in January. I bought 5 spare batteries on eBay soon after it arrived. So yes, I definitely knew. I wish I’d got the strap ages ago now. At last my HR numbers make sense. The built-in HRM in my watch (Forerunner 225) never worked properly for me, often locking into cadence instead of HR. The reading it gave was probably right <25% of the time, never for an entire run.
It's good to see you back in good form after that rough week. I wish you good luck for the rest of your Eugene training. Thank-you for all the work you put into this blog.