Training Supplement – March 18, 2018
Even though winter is almost over, I bought a long-sleeve shirt this month. Out on the trails, I grew suspicious of construction activity around the Mount Vernon Trail at Daingerfield Island. I also enjoyed listening to a rant about uneven media coverage for women at some championship races.
Clothing & Gear

Tops – Long sleeves. Mizuno Static Breath Thermo Long Sleeve. Winter is almost over but I bought this shirt when I was on the Mizuno website buying hats. (I was on the website buying hats because I was buying shoes. Marketing!) The shirt was part of the “thermo” line but when it arrived, I didn’t think it would be very warm. I wore it as the top layer over another thin long sleeve on a 50 degree day and I wasn’t overheated. I also wore it layered because I thought the textured fabric might feel a little rough against my skin. For fit, it was looser around the waist than I prefer. It’s a nice shirt but I think it’s better suited for fall and winter temperatures.
Race Bib Holders. Race Dots. I received these race bib holders in a recent Runner’s World Box and thought I’d try them for the Reston 10 Miler. The magnets were so strongly attracted to one another that I struggled to even get them out of the packaging! Sitting in the car before the race, I placed my bib roughly where I wanted it on my top and affixed the “dots” in the corners. I tried making small adjustments but the magnets wouldn’t shift at all! I realized I would need to take my shirt off and place the dots exactly where I wanted them, which was annoying. But, they worked – the bib didn’t move at all and I didn’t put in pin holes in my top.
(My Complete Clothes & Gear Page.)
Nutrition & Hydration
Gels. Crank Sport eGels. With the 2018 Boston Marathon just a few weeks away, I ordered a 24-count box of these gels in the Juicy Watermelon flavor. I stuck with the brand because I think electrolytes have been helpful in previous runs and races. The box seemed like a lot when it arrived but I remembered I always manage to go through them quicker than I anticipate.
Caffeine. Sword Energy Chew. I’ve been trying to work caffeine into my long runs so that I could take some during the 2018 Boston Marathon. But, I’m a little nervous about it. For example, during my last long run, I was jittery after having a gel – probably from low blood sugar – so, I didn’t want to compound that feeling with a caffeine spike. I have one more long run to test how I might work this into my race plan.
Construction. I noticed wooden pallets along the Mount Vernon Trail by Daingerfield Island during a few of my run-commutes and long runs this month.

It looked like there might be some type of detour in the works but I haven’t read about anything in my usual sources to confirm that suspicion.
Hazards. A wind storm blew through the region a couple of weeks ago and left fallen tree branches everywhere. Maintenance crews cleaned up the trails pretty quickly, though so I didn’t encounter any obstacles by the time I went out for my runs.
Water Fountains. The water fountain at the head of the W&OD Trail was working! I’d been running past it for months assuming it was off for the winter but saw water signs during a run commute on day and was rewarded with cool, refreshing water!
Media & Motivation
Music. “Little Talks,” Of Monsters and Men. This song has been a racing playlist staple.
(My “Songs of the Week” playlist on Spotify.)
Headphones. Jaybird X3 Wireless Headphones. The skipping I noticed during the first week of wearing these headphones continued. It seemed to happen more frequently when I turn my head drastically or if my phone is in my pants pocket rather than my phone holder.
Podcasts. “Episode 144 – Spring Equinox (Jon Dunham),” from Pace the Nation. The guest was the director for the Boston Marathon documentary. He also directed Spirit of the Marathon, which I enjoyed, so I’m looking forward to seeing this film. The hosts also debated the best Boston song (again). My votes are for “Boston,” by Augustana and “Shipping Up to Boston,” by the Dropkick Murphy’s because they are actually about the city. I don’t think songs by the band Boston shouldn’t count. And, “Sweet Caroline” is a little creepy when you think the origin story.
“Episode 426 – Chris Chataway,” from Marathon Talk. Host Tom Welling started the episode with a rant about the lack of coverage of the female race at The Big Half. If it was as bad as he described, the female athletes really deserved better than that in a national championship race.
Motivation. “Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get.” – Ray Kroc
I felt lucky to win my age group at the 2018 Reston 10 Miler a few weeks ago because my race times are getting slower.