Winter of 2019 – Week 4
This would have been race week for the 2019 Brazos Bend 50 Miler but I was still recovering from the 2019 New York City Marathon. On Monday, my cardiologist informed me that my “stress test” was normal so I was officially cleared to resume running!
Training Schedule
December 1st – December 7th
Sunday: Easy Run. 5 miles
Monday: Off
Tuesday: Interval Run. 3-5 x 2 min. w/1 min. recovery jog
Wednesday: Easy Run. 3-5 miles
Thursday: Off
Friday: Easy Run. 3 miles w/4 x 100m strides
Saturday: 2019 Brazos Bend 50 Miler
Total: ~30 Miles
Notes. It was a strange week – I already officially withdrew from the 2019 Brazos Bend 50 Miler but haven’t started training for the 2020 Boston Marathon. I did a very light interval workout on Tuesday and an easy threshold run on Thursday.
Long Run. 10 miles [Log Details, pt. 1] [Log Details, pt. 2]
Thinking 8 miles would be a great effort, I started my treadmill run at the 5.6 pace (10:43 pace) setting for 45 minutes, then I increased the setting to 6.2 (9:41 pace). After an hour, I reset the treadmill and went another 20 minutes at that pace. To fight boredom, I watched (American) football on the television screens and listened to my 2019 New York City Marathon playlist. I drank Crank Sport e-Fuel during my walk breaks every 15 to 20 minutes. When I didn’t feel any signs of fatigue, I thought, “Maybe I shouldn’t have cancelled the 50 Miler.” At the 1:35 mark, went down to the 5.4 (11:07 pace) setting and cooled-down.
Overall pace=9:58.

Interval Run. 8 x 1 min. hard w/1 min. recovery jog [Log Details].
The day before, my cardiologist told me that my “stress test” was normal. Feeling confident that my fatigue was mostly related to high blood pressure and a Vitamin D deficiency, I thought I could push my paces a little harder.
I ran down to the Four Mile Run Trail as a warm-up. Just as I was starting my interval session, my Garmin 645 Music froze! Using Strava, I ran hard for 1 minute and then jogged slowly for another minute before heading back home.
1-minute hard splits=? (Garmin malfunctioned).
Threshold Run. 2 miles @ goal marathon pace [Log Details].
I wanted to do 2 miles at something that felt like marathon pace. I ran an out-and-back on the Four Mile Run Trail, starting the hard segment just after the I-395 over-pass. It was cold but after my warm-up, the weather was comfortable.
For motivation, I listened to the end of my 2019 New York City Marathon playlist again. I was running about 8:12 pace on the way out. At the turn-around, I felt very tired and wondered if I should cut the workout short. But, I convinced myself that 2 miles wasn’t much longer than 20 minutes and pressed on.

Heading back, there was a “Sidewalk Closed” sign on the trail but I ignored it. I didn’t have the stamina for a detour.
Goal marathon pace segment=8:27. Overall pace=9:09.
Illness. On Monday, I heard from my cardiologist that my “stress test” from last week was normal. I was cleared to resume running! In the end, I concluded that I haven’t felt well because of untreated high blood pressure and a Vitamin D deficiency.
My primary care doctor is prescribing a calcium-channel blocker/ACE-inhibitor (Lotrel), a diuretic, (Microzide), and a Vitamin D supplement (Calciferol). I will also start taking a multi-vitamin for good measure.
Shoes. Brooks Glycerin 17. I visited a local running store for Small Business Saturday and purchased these new kicks. Even though I bought a half-size larger, my toes are crowded. Most of the cushion is at the forefoot and I’m used to more at the heel. Overall, it’s a fine shoe but I don’t see it becoming a favorite. Price: $150.
StrideBox. My December StrideBox arrived late Saturday evening.

This box contained Honey Stinger Protein Bar, Honey Stinger Energy Chews, Zipfizz Energy Drink Mix, Gu Energy Gel (Caramel Macchiato), Defunkify Active Wash Laundry Detergent, and a 10 watt headlamp. I’ve tried most of these products or something similar, so I’m mostly thankful for the extra headlamp.
Media & Motivation
Podcasts. “Long Term Planning“, Running Rogue. As I prepare for another marathon training cycle, I’ve been thinking of long-term goals. The hosts breaks down the key elements of planning: 1) give yourself 18-24 months, 2) work on your weaknesses, 3) have fun, 4) work a diverse range of race distances, 5) avoid trying to improve two things at once, 6) give yourself 12-20 weeks for mini-cycles, 7) take recovery blocks, and 8) keep the non-negotiable – strides, the long run, and routine.
Racing Schedule
Training Plans. LHR Virtual Boston Training Group. After receiving an email that offered a discount, I joined this training program for the 2020 Boston Marathon! I over-trained this summer and thought joining a group with a prescribed plan could act as a check while I re-gain my lost fitness. The plan is 20 weeks and starts the week of December 15th. Price: $197.
Next race: 2019 Fairfax Four Miler on Tuesday, December 31st.
(My Racing Schedule)